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Do I declare a PND before enhanced DBS/ what is the likelihood of it showing up?

Do I declare a PND before enhanced DBS/ what is the likelihood of it...


Cutehs2, may I ask what the caution was for and how long ago?

Legal academic and adviser.

Supreme Being
Supreme Being (14K reputation)Supreme Being (14K reputation)Supreme Being (14K reputation)Supreme Being (14K reputation)Supreme Being (14K reputation)Supreme Being (14K reputation)Supreme Being (14K reputation)Supreme Being (14K reputation)Supreme Being (14K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 26, Visits: 0
lansdowne said...
Hi there

Your situation is remarkably similar to mine.

I was wondering how things worked out for you.

It is a real dilemma whether to disclose or not disclose that PND before the arrival of enhanced dbs.

I obtained a 'subject access' request to see my details on the Police National Computer and it was all written up there, so I always think it will be revealed in the dbs despite 7 years having passed since the incident and despite the fact that it is up to the discretion of the police.

Please let me know what happened.


Any update lansdowne? Guess you're back home now

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