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Community Resolution Orders and similar

Community Resolution Orders and similar

Supreme Being
Supreme Being (616 reputation)Supreme Being (616 reputation)Supreme Being (616 reputation)Supreme Being (616 reputation)Supreme Being (616 reputation)Supreme Being (616 reputation)Supreme Being (616 reputation)Supreme Being (616 reputation)Supreme Being (616 reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 1, Visits: 0
Hi all, I'm wondering if anyone has any experience of how a community resolution order (CRO) or similar entry on their record has been dealt with when requesting a DBS check. As the intention of the order is to be informal (certainly less so than a caution) I am wondering if anyone here has actually had them disclosed at all on a DBS certificate or if they will have been filtered as a matter of course. Earlier this year I sent an email to unlock with this enquiry and Chris kindly replied. If you don't mind Chris I'll post your reply below, please feel free to delete if it's inappropriate:

''My understanding would be that a CRO would be regarded as non-conviction information, and so not disclosed automatically. In that sense, it's not covered by the DBS filtering process, in that it wouldn't have been disclosed automatically before filtering came into place. However, it will be treated in the same way as other 'police information', in that it'll be up to the Police as to whether to disclose it, but this can only happen on enhanced disclosures, and rarely does this happen.''

Has anybody found this to be the case in practice yet? It would be good to hear your opinions!
Supreme Being
Supreme Being (19K reputation)Supreme Being (19K reputation)Supreme Being (19K reputation)Supreme Being (19K reputation)Supreme Being (19K reputation)Supreme Being (19K reputation)Supreme Being (19K reputation)Supreme Being (19K reputation)Supreme Being (19K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 50, Visits: 0
Chris reply was good, the only way you may find out at this point is going to your local police station and asking for a SAR (subject access request), it will be a report on anything the police have on you. While this may not appear or show up on your DBS check, at least you will have an idea of what may show up.

Sadly one can not get a standard or enhanced dbs check themselves, only an employee with a job that "requires" the dbs check(ie working solely with kids or elderly or higher management or police/army/doctors etc)

Otherwise the hard way is to sign for that dbs check from a potential employer and find out the hard way !

Its worth noting some dbs checks have even shown police arrest (even if innocent) or even speeding tickets from 20 years ago etc
Supreme Being
Supreme Being (14K reputation)Supreme Being (14K reputation)Supreme Being (14K reputation)Supreme Being (14K reputation)Supreme Being (14K reputation)Supreme Being (14K reputation)Supreme Being (14K reputation)Supreme Being (14K reputation)Supreme Being (14K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 26, Visits: 0
geek said...
Hi all, I'm wondering if anyone has any experience of how a community resolution order (CRO) or similar entry on their record has been dealt with when requesting a DBS check. As the intention of the order is to be informal (certainly less so than a caution) I am wondering if anyone here has actually had them disclosed at all on a DBS certificate or if they will have been filtered as a matter of course. Earlier this year I sent an email to unlock with this enquiry and Chris kindly replied. If you don't mind Chris I'll post your reply below, please feel free to delete if it's inappropriate:

''My understanding would be that a CRO would be regarded as non-conviction information, and so not disclosed automatically. In that sense, it's not covered by the DBS filtering process, in that it wouldn't have been disclosed automatically before filtering came into place. However, it will be treated in the same way as other 'police information', in that it'll be up to the Police as to whether to disclose it, but this can only happen on enhanced disclosures, and rarely does this happen.''

Has anybody found this to be the case in practice yet? It would be good to hear your opinions!

Any update ?

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