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How long before a spent conviction doesn't appear on basic disclosure?

How long before a spent conviction doesn't appear on basic disclosure?...

Supreme Being
Supreme Being (98K reputation)Supreme Being (98K reputation)Supreme Being (98K reputation)Supreme Being (98K reputation)Supreme Being (98K reputation)Supreme Being (98K reputation)Supreme Being (98K reputation)Supreme Being (98K reputation)Supreme Being (98K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 301, Visits: 2.9K
Morning everyone, hope your week is starting OK.

I'm wondering when exactly a spent conviction will no longer appear if you are asked to do a basic disclosure by an employer. Of course in an ideal world, it should be midnight at the end of the last day that it is unspent...

I'm happily and securely employed but am casually looking at other opportunities after a few years at the same place.

My conviction recently became spent, but I am sceptical about whether the police might "forget" to remove it from the record as soon as it becomes spent. Having had previous issues where they told me a banning order lasted longer than it actually did, and I had to go out of my way and at personal expense to provide court documents and a solicitor's letter before they reluctantly agreed to remove my order, I would not be surprised if my spent conviction still "accidentally" appeared, in the event that I apply for a job and the potential employer requests a basic disclosure.

I'm guessing a subject access request won't help because it will just list everything, spent or unspent.

Has anyone ever had any issues with a spent conviction coming up for something that is only meant to reveal unspent ones?

Thanks in advance.


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