Offence Arrest/Summons Ref: 07/0000/00/402778U Crime Reference: 01XA/CN1842/07 Offence Number: 1 Court/Caution/Force Reference: 07/6734/100755E Court Offence Number: 1 Adjudication: NOT GUILTY Plea Description: NOT KNOWN Originator: 01 (METROPOLITAN POLICE) ACRO Subject Access Request SA/15/017779 Page 3 of 3 Offence Description: ROBBERY Offence Date(s): 24/03/07 location: STATION ROAD LONDON W5 3HX (01) Disposal: 15/05/07 AT EALING JUVENILE COURT REF: 07/6734/100755E 1 WITHDRAWN FINAL
Offence Arrest/Summons Ref: 07/0000/00/402778U Crime Reference: 01XA/CN1842/07 Offence Number: 2 Court/Caution/Force Reference: 07/6734/100755E Court Offence Number: 2 Adjudication: GUILTY Plea Description: GUILTY Originator: 01 (METROPOLITAN POLICE) Offence Description: ATTEMPT/ROBBERY Offence Date(s): 24/03/07 location: STATION ROAD LONDON W5 3HX (01) Disposal: 15/05/07 AT EALING JUVENILE COURT REF: 07/6734/100755E 1 REFERRAL ORDER 6 MTHS (MONTHS) 2 COSTS £20.00
I was 15 at the time of the offence back in 2007. Now I am 23 years old. I was told in court if I plead guilty for one of the charges they will drop the other charge. I'm confused as I paid £20 compensation but was not charged for robbery . Will my offence be filtered????