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Posts: 3, Visits: 0
Hi there I've came here from some advice and past experiences of others.

Recently I got into a drunken fight uptown and have ended up pleading guilty to assault and received a fine for this.
I have just came back from travelling for a few months and now on the job hunt. Having previously gone to uni and worked in financial services before going travelling I was wondering realistically I should rule out working in financial services again? And it seems from reading that the job hunt whilst having an unspent conviction is very difficult?

Thanks for any help

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R91S - 11 Years Ago
caterpillar - 13 Years Ago
Deb S - 14 Years Ago
AJW83 - 11 Years Ago
R91S - 11 Years Ago
                         No worries financial services arent the most difficult to get...
AJW83 - 11 Years Ago
                             Hi there, just me quickly back on to my own topic. Basically what...
R91S - 11 Years Ago
                                 While it would be unlikely they would prosecute due to failure to...
AJW83 - 11 Years Ago

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