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Richard Branson wants more employers to take on employees regardless of criminal convictions

Richard Branson wants more employers to take on employees regardless...

Debbie Sadler
Debbie Sadler
Supreme Being
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 397, Visits: 5.9K
Nice to read Richard Branson's comment in Inside Times saying "People with convictions need the dignity of work"

He's said recently that the thinks Brexit will cause thousands of job losses but doesn't expect it to have an impact on the scheme that he's set up to encourage Virgin businesses to look at ways of providing training and employment to ex-offenders and others from disadvantaged backgrounds.  Virgin Trains West Coast has a specifically geared employment programme for people with convictions which, so far, has trained 25 candidates into full time jobs. Read the whole article here.

Anybody had any experience of Virgin when looking for work.

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