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Employee theft

Employee theft

Debs L
Debs L
Supreme Being
Supreme Being (3.4K reputation)Supreme Being (3.4K reputation)Supreme Being (3.4K reputation)Supreme Being (3.4K reputation)Supreme Being (3.4K reputation)Supreme Being (3.4K reputation)Supreme Being (3.4K reputation)Supreme Being (3.4K reputation)Supreme Being (3.4K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 11, Visits: 23
Hello .I don't know if anyone on hear can actually help me but I'll ask anyway ...I am in court on Friday for employee theft of£550 when I was interviewed I admitted straight away both employer and police .I was told by police it wouldn't go to court but then it did apparently because
 of the amount was done over the period of a excuses ..I was being chased by bailiffs and I just couldn't cope. .it's my first offence and believe me the last .my former employer gave a statement to say I was previously an exemplary employee .I'm so scared I'm going to prison I don't no how to deal with this .I've totally ruined my life the shame will never go away.


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Debbie Lyon - 9 Years Ago
Deb S - 9 Years Ago
Debbie Lyon - 9 Years Ago
Debbie Lyon - 9 Years Ago
Debbie Lyon - 9 Years Ago
Deb S - 9 Years Ago
                     + x [quote] [b] Deb S - 23 Aug 16 8:34 AM [/b] +...
Debbie Lyon - 9 Years Ago
                         + x [quote] [b] Debbie Lyon - 25 Aug 16 4:02 PM [/b]...
Deb S - 9 Years Ago
                             + x [quote] [b] Deb S - 26 Aug 16 8:41 AM [/b] +...
Debbie Lyon - 9 Years Ago
                                 + x [quote] [b] Debbie Lyon - 26 Aug 16 10:39 PM [/b]...
Deb S - 9 Years Ago
hurrdedurr - 7 Years Ago

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