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Moving to USA with drug convictions

Moving to USA with drug convictions

Supreme Being
Supreme Being (2.8K reputation)Supreme Being (2.8K reputation)Supreme Being (2.8K reputation)Supreme Being (2.8K reputation)Supreme Being (2.8K reputation)Supreme Being (2.8K reputation)Supreme Being (2.8K reputation)Supreme Being (2.8K reputation)Supreme Being (2.8K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 5, Visits: 25

I am new on this site, I have a spouse that has 2 convictions, both for simple possession of marijuana from the UK. They are from 2000 and 2001. Due to these 2 convictions this makes my spouse inadmissible to the United States. We have a child and have been living apart and it's making life unbearable.

Does anyone on this site know of any really good UK lawyers that know how to re-open and remove one of the convictions. Does anyone know of any other similar cases to my spouses?

In the US there is a law called "post conviction relief", which allows you to remove certain crimes. Additionally, the lawyers here have very good tactics and skills on how to work the system.

I need help in finding a fantastic criminal lawyer in the UK that will be able to find a "loop hole" and push this case back open and get the charge dropped or dismissed.

I wasn't sure of what section to post this question in, but if any of the administrators know where else they can post this question then please do so.

I am desperate please help!

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