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Travelling while on Post Sentence Supervision

Travelling while on Post Sentence Supervision

Supreme Being
Supreme Being (4.3K reputation)Supreme Being (4.3K reputation)Supreme Being (4.3K reputation)Supreme Being (4.3K reputation)Supreme Being (4.3K reputation)Supreme Being (4.3K reputation)Supreme Being (4.3K reputation)Supreme Being (4.3K reputation)Supreme Being (4.3K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 8, Visits: 116
Hi All,
I have just read the following post on Unlock on the following page :

Angus  Amanda • 8 months ago
If on Licence you could end up finishing off your sentence or you could go in for a set period (28 days) - depending on the situation. If you are out of Licence and are on your Post Sentence Supervision you may go back to custody as a punishment for non-compliance but only for a maximum of 14 days.

The part that has retained my attention is : If you are out of Licence and are on 
  your Post Sentence Supervision you may go back to custody as a punishment for non-compliance but only for a maximum of 14 days.

Could someone confirm this ?  - To clarify I am a European national currently on Post Sentence Supervision and would like to return to my home country (within EU). If I do so would that be considered as non compliance ? Would that mean that the maximum sentence I could get would be 14 days ? 
Thanks in advance. 

Supreme Being
Supreme Being (253K reputation)Supreme Being (253K reputation)Supreme Being (253K reputation)Supreme Being (253K reputation)Supreme Being (253K reputation)Supreme Being (253K reputation)Supreme Being (253K reputation)Supreme Being (253K reputation)Supreme Being (253K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 1.1K, Visits: 7.5K
Nestor - 16 Sep 17 4:53 PM
Hi All,
I have just read the following post on Unlock on the following page :

Angus  Amanda • 8 months ago
If on Licence you could end up finishing off your sentence or you could go in for a set period (28 days) - depending on the situation. If you are out of Licence and are on your Post Sentence Supervision you may go back to custody as a punishment for non-compliance but only for a maximum of 14 days.

The part that has retained my attention is : If you are out of Licence and are on 
  your Post Sentence Supervision you may go back to custody as a punishment for non-compliance but only for a maximum of 14 days.

Could someone confirm this ?  - To clarify I am a European national currently on Post Sentence Supervision and would like to return to my home country (within EU). If I do so would that be considered as non compliance ? Would that mean that the maximum sentence I could get would be 14 days ? 
Thanks in advance. 

Hi Nestor. That post was submitted by another website user, not Unlock. It's best to use the information published by Unlock further up the page, which is that if you are on post-sentence supervision you will be taken back to court. If they can't decide whether or not you are on post-sentence supervision then they can't take you to court without deciding that you are on post-sentence supervision. In any case, the court might not send you back to prison - they might fine you instead or make you do unpaid work.


If you are to punish a man retributively you must injure him. If you are to reform him you must improve him. And men are not improved by injuries. (George Bernard Shaw)

Supreme Being
Supreme Being (105K reputation)Supreme Being (105K reputation)Supreme Being (105K reputation)Supreme Being (105K reputation)Supreme Being (105K reputation)Supreme Being (105K reputation)Supreme Being (105K reputation)Supreme Being (105K reputation)Supreme Being (105K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 301, Visits: 2.9K
I would strongly advise obtaining written permission from some official authority (probation, police , etc.) before leaving, should you choose to leave.

Do not leave based on word of mouth, as they will later deny they said such a thing.
8 Years Ago by BenS

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