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Advice please dbs check

Advice please dbs check

Supreme Being
Supreme Being (106K reputation)Supreme Being (106K reputation)Supreme Being (106K reputation)Supreme Being (106K reputation)Supreme Being (106K reputation)Supreme Being (106K reputation)Supreme Being (106K reputation)Supreme Being (106K reputation)Supreme Being (106K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 301, Visits: 2.9K
Ned - 6 Feb 19 3:22 PM

I am applying for a new job and it requires an enhanced DBS check.

My convictions are as followed

1994 caution for handling stolen goods
2002 conspiracy to supply class a x2 30 months in a yoi
2008 caution for carrying an air rifle in a public place
2010 fine for cultivation of class b drugs

I have read up that after a certain amount of time they become spent and after a longer amount of time they become protected.

I am just wondering if anyone can tell me if any of mine are now protected so I don’t have to reveal them on my application form.

I have read a number of different things about if i have more than 1 conviction they will all show up and then i have read that because of the amount of time thats past none will show up or maybe only the conspiracy will.

If anyone can clear it up for me it would help me a lot


Unfortunately, as there is more than one conviction (the conspiracy to supply and the fine), they will show up on an enhanced DBS check. The filtering rules only come into play if you have only one conviction. Also, drug offences involving supply are ineligible, as are convictions that resulted in a custodial sentence (including suspended).

There's a handy flow chart here.

While everything you list is spent for the purpose of a basic check, and you can lawfully tick "no" to any questions about unspent convictions, the convictions will show up on standard and enhanced checks I'm afraid.
6 Years Ago by BenS
Supreme Being
Supreme Being (486 reputation)Supreme Being (486 reputation)Supreme Being (486 reputation)Supreme Being (486 reputation)Supreme Being (486 reputation)Supreme Being (486 reputation)Supreme Being (486 reputation)Supreme Being (486 reputation)Supreme Being (486 reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 1, Visits: 5

I am applying for a new job and it requires an enhanced DBS check.

My convictions are as followed

1994 caution for handling stolen goods
2002 conspiracy to supply class a x2 30 months in a yoi
2008 caution for carrying an air rifle in a public place
2010 fine for cultivation of class b drugs

I have read up that after a certain amount of time they become spent and after a longer amount of time they become protected.

I am just wondering if anyone can tell me if any of mine are now protected so I don’t have to reveal them on my application form.

I have read a number of different things about if i have more than 1 conviction they will all show up and then i have read that because of the amount of time thats past none will show up or maybe only the conspiracy will.

If anyone can clear it up for me it would help me a lot



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