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Changing name - will the UK Datebase Still Track me?

Changing name - will the UK Datebase Still Track me?

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 301, Visits: 2.9K
Thorswrath - 24 Feb 19 12:41 PM
The only time you would be in serious bother is if you change your name and do not notify the police, that is your legal requirement

And that, only if you are still on the SOR or subject to other conditions.

Once you are off the SOR and have no more SOPOs/SHPOs etc. then unless otherwise informed, you have no obligation whatsoever to tell the police anything, whether that's changing your name, travelling abroad, having a child, getting a new passport, whatever.
Supreme Being
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 59, Visits: 4.6K
Harry53 - 23 Feb 19 2:07 PM
My details of my offence was reported in the local rag, and then plastered on the UK Database website. 
I am thinking of changing my name but wonder will the data base just find me through the Deed Poll ? 

Someone researched my name and now I have lost a friend because of it. I know the whole process is tricky but it might mean that with a new name anyone who casually Googles my name will not see the new me.

I am retired so it would not be for any other reason, other than to live in peace without worrying if I can exposed again.
I am a new and better person. Honest and will never go back to my Internet addiction, but people still think the worst of people like me.

Any thoughts? I would hate to go through the whole process of name changing then find that the UK database tracks me down "in the interest of the public". Having a sexual offence is a worry as there are many websites which try and find offenders "in your area".

Just change your name to something very common. I doubt they will catch on. I suspect many cases are not accurately reported anyway, it wasn't in my partners case, and obviously to his detriment. Then these sites plagiarise the content from papers, but it would be up to the paper to make a complaint to get the article withdrawn, and they don't care. Even national papers violate copyright by using images they have no right to use from the internet. Sadly IPSO (which is a sham) cites a public interest defence. I don't believe there is such a defense for photographs in the UK.  I'd argue these sites actually endanger people, as it makes it harder for people to move on with their lives, and people not working etc are more likely to reoffend. That's surely not good for society. Many comments on some sites are undoubtedly illegal, but there just isn't the public sympathy to prosecute such wrong doings. But also the fear of attracting more publicity deters people. The whole area urgently needs looking at.


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