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Life insurance with a conviction

Life insurance with a conviction

Supreme Being
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Posts: 5, Visits: 41
I've been trying to sort out my insurances now that I have a conviction. Aviva say my motor insurance is fine, but have cancelled my Home insurance. I've got a good quote from HomeProtect to replace that. The one I'm curious about is life insurance, which I have through LV. I can't see any mentions made of convictions impacting life insurance, that can't be the case, though, surely? I'll try and dig out my paperwork tonight and go through it, but in the meantime does Life insurance get affected by convictions?
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Blackbird - 15 Apr 19 2:27 PM
I've been trying to sort out my insurances now that I have a conviction. Aviva say my motor insurance is fine, but have cancelled my Home insurance. I've got a good quote from HomeProtect to replace that. The one I'm curious about is life insurance, which I have through LV. I can't see any mentions made of convictions impacting life insurance, that can't be the case, though, surely? I'll try and dig out my paperwork tonight and go through it, but in the meantime does Life insurance get affected by convictions?

Hi Blackbird, I will be interested to know what you manage to find out re LV life insurance. I have my home insurance with LV and as my conviction is more than 5 years old they wern`t interested. It would be nice to know that disinterest extends to life insurance as well.
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If nothing is mentioned in the insurance paperwork, then absolutely don't tell them, you have no legal or moral obligation to!

6 Years Ago by BenS
Debbie Sadler
Debbie Sadler
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Hi Blackbird

Life insurance policies are not generally affected by criminal convictions. I can't recall ever seeing a question relating to a criminal record on these types of policies.


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I called them direct, and after a lot of discussion with underwriters in the background, I was informed that LV only need to know about or be informed of convictions relating to fraud or motoring offences, at least when it comes to life insurance. Anything else has no impact.
Supreme Being
Supreme Being (56K reputation)Supreme Being (56K reputation)Supreme Being (56K reputation)Supreme Being (56K reputation)Supreme Being (56K reputation)Supreme Being (56K reputation)Supreme Being (56K reputation)Supreme Being (56K reputation)Supreme Being (56K reputation)

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Blackbird - 16 Apr 19 2:23 PM
I called them direct, and after a lot of discussion with underwriters in the background, I was informed that LV only need to know about or be informed of convictions relating to fraud or motoring offences, at least when it comes to life insurance. Anything else has no impact.

Hi Blackbird, thanks for the update and the time you put in thats good to know.

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