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New job

New job

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Hi I just wanted to share a story with a happy ending. I have some spent convictions from 17 years ago. Due to so many jobs requiring standard and enhanced dbs checks I ended up becoming self employed. Which worked well for several years until I decided I needed a mortgage and found that it was never going to happen whilst self employed. So I started looking for jobs again, specifically avoiding those that stated I would be dbs checked. So anyway, got called for interview to a job I really wanted. And was delighted when they offered me the job. So I got an email about job offer and discover that job offer was pending on standard dbs check and references. At this point I just felt broken. I emailed back and told them I was withdrawing my application. So next thing, the company director is ringing my phone asking why I am withdrawing my application. At this point I feel I've got nothing to lose so I give full disclosure and state that this is why I am withdrawing my application. The director was so lovely about it. He confessed to me that he too has a criminal record so understands completely how I am feeling. He asked me to give him a few days to speak to the 3 other directors and the companies clients and try to get agreement to still take me on. So true to his word, he called me back three days later and affirmed the job offer. Long story, but my point is, having a record does not necessarily mean you can't still get a job where they ask for full disclosure. I'm so happy that I can work in the job of my choice and not have the worry of waiting for the sky to fall when they find out about my past. 
Supreme Being
Supreme Being (265K reputation)Supreme Being (265K reputation)Supreme Being (265K reputation)Supreme Being (265K reputation)Supreme Being (265K reputation)Supreme Being (265K reputation)Supreme Being (265K reputation)Supreme Being (265K reputation)Supreme Being (265K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 1.1K, Visits: 7.6K
Angelwings - 19 Dec 19 8:56 AM
Hi I just wanted to share a story with a happy ending. I have some spent convictions from 17 years ago. Due to so many jobs requiring standard and enhanced dbs checks I ended up becoming self employed. Which worked well for several years until I decided I needed a mortgage and found that it was never going to happen whilst self employed. So I started looking for jobs again, specifically avoiding those that stated I would be dbs checked. So anyway, got called for interview to a job I really wanted. And was delighted when they offered me the job. So I got an email about job offer and discover that job offer was pending on standard dbs check and references. At this point I just felt broken. I emailed back and told them I was withdrawing my application. So next thing, the company director is ringing my phone asking why I am withdrawing my application. At this point I feel I've got nothing to lose so I give full disclosure and state that this is why I am withdrawing my application. The director was so lovely about it. He confessed to me that he too has a criminal record so understands completely how I am feeling. He asked me to give him a few days to speak to the 3 other directors and the companies clients and try to get agreement to still take me on. So true to his word, he called me back three days later and affirmed the job offer. Long story, but my point is, having a record does not necessarily mean you can't still get a job where they ask for full disclosure. I'm so happy that I can work in the job of my choice and not have the worry of waiting for the sky to fall when they find out about my past. 

Delighted to read this - we all need good news around this time of year! BigGrin


If you are to punish a man retributively you must injure him. If you are to reform him you must improve him. And men are not improved by injuries. (George Bernard Shaw)

Supreme Being
Supreme Being (186K reputation)Supreme Being (186K reputation)Supreme Being (186K reputation)Supreme Being (186K reputation)Supreme Being (186K reputation)Supreme Being (186K reputation)Supreme Being (186K reputation)Supreme Being (186K reputation)Supreme Being (186K reputation)

Group: Awaiting Activation
Posts: 1.1K, Visits: 1.8K
Angelwings - 19 Dec 19 8:56 AM
Hi I just wanted to share a story with a happy ending. I have some spent convictions from 17 years ago. Due to so many jobs requiring standard and enhanced dbs checks I ended up becoming self employed. Which worked well for several years until I decided I needed a mortgage and found that it was never going to happen whilst self employed. So I started looking for jobs again, specifically avoiding those that stated I would be dbs checked. So anyway, got called for interview to a job I really wanted. And was delighted when they offered me the job. So I got an email about job offer and discover that job offer was pending on standard dbs check and references. At this point I just felt broken. I emailed back and told them I was withdrawing my application. So next thing, the company director is ringing my phone asking why I am withdrawing my application. At this point I feel I've got nothing to lose so I give full disclosure and state that this is why I am withdrawing my application. The director was so lovely about it. He confessed to me that he too has a criminal record so understands completely how I am feeling. He asked me to give him a few days to speak to the 3 other directors and the companies clients and try to get agreement to still take me on. So true to his word, he called me back three days later and affirmed the job offer. Long story, but my point is, having a record does not necessarily mean you can't still get a job where they ask for full disclosure. I'm so happy that I can work in the job of my choice and not have the worry of waiting for the sky to fall when they find out about my past. 

Absolutely marvelous news.
In fact better than my ex-wife and her 3rd husband inviting me for xmas dinner. Smile
Well done

Society suggests I must let go of all my expectations but I disagree, as whilst I have a voice, I have hope.

Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope is for tomorrow else what is left if you remove a mans hope.

This forum supports these words, thank you Unlock and your contributors.

Debbie Sadler
Debbie Sadler
Supreme Being
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Posts: 398, Visits: 5.9K
Fantastic news Angelwings. Sounds like 2020's going to be a good year for you. 

And, what can I say JASB - hope you enjoy your Christmas Dinner

Hungry emotions of the smiley. Vector illustrations.

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Supreme Being (84K reputation)Supreme Being (84K reputation)Supreme Being (84K reputation)Supreme Being (84K reputation)Supreme Being (84K reputation)Supreme Being (84K reputation)Supreme Being (84K reputation)Supreme Being (84K reputation)Supreme Being (84K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 232, Visits: 994
Angelwings - 19 Dec 19 8:56 AM
Hi I just wanted to share a story with a happy ending. I have some spent convictions from 17 years ago. Due to so many jobs requiring standard and enhanced dbs checks I ended up becoming self employed. Which worked well for several years until I decided I needed a mortgage and found that it was never going to happen whilst self employed. So I started looking for jobs again, specifically avoiding those that stated I would be dbs checked. So anyway, got called for interview to a job I really wanted. And was delighted when they offered me the job. So I got an email about job offer and discover that job offer was pending on standard dbs check and references. At this point I just felt broken. I emailed back and told them I was withdrawing my application. So next thing, the company director is ringing my phone asking why I am withdrawing my application. At this point I feel I've got nothing to lose so I give full disclosure and state that this is why I am withdrawing my application. The director was so lovely about it. He confessed to me that he too has a criminal record so understands completely how I am feeling. He asked me to give him a few days to speak to the 3 other directors and the companies clients and try to get agreement to still take me on. So true to his word, he called me back three days later and affirmed the job offer. Long story, but my point is, having a record does not necessarily mean you can't still get a job where they ask for full disclosure. I'm so happy that I can work in the job of my choice and not have the worry of waiting for the sky to fall when they find out about my past. 

As the old saying goes, you have to kiss a lot of frogs to find a prince (or princess). This happy story demonstrates there are good and reasonable people out there in the world. As ex-offenders we just have to find them and not become too despondent with the other 90%.

Thank you for sharing - good luck in your new role and have a great housewarming once you get the mortgage.

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