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Police/ Probation Disclosures

Police/ Probation Disclosures

Supreme Being
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 1, Visits: 13
I wonder if anyone has experience of a similar situation to that that I am currently in. In 2017 Police investigated me for something that I didn’t do and was not later charged with. However, during that investigation they found 4 Category C indecent images on my laptop. They had been deleted a year or so before.

I’m in the start of a new relationship (4 weeks and 2 dates in) and my partner knows about my conviction and SHPO. Police and Probation want to talk to her to confirm that she is aware. She does NOT have children. I told her they want to speak to her and she refuses to speak to them. They now won’t take my word that she knows, and have given me a week to either convince her to speak to them or to end the relationship. If I don’t end the relationship and she won’t voluntarily speak to them, they are saying they will contact her by phone or in person until she does speak to them.

This seems completely unfair on her and will cause her distress. As she has no kids I don’t see the ‘safeguarding’ argument. It seems more that they want to make sure she know for moral reasons. I’m not sure they have the power to disclose just because they think someone deserves to know. Any advice would be welcome.

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