This was a headline in one of the papers, following the tragic suicide of Caroline Flack. It's the first time I can remember, that the tabloids have been on the side of the offender, not the CPS.
What explains this sudden change of heart, I wonder? Is it that, in the tabloids neanderthal view of criminal justice, domestic violence still doesn't count as a 'real' crime? Could it be that the increased focus on mental health these days has made them aware of the reality; that anyone accused of a crime will suffer devastating and long lasting damage to their mental health, particularly if they have had no previous contact with the law before?
Maybe, it is just a case of one rule for celebrity offenders and a different rule for everybody else? Or, perhaps it is just a cynical ploy to distract public attention away from the media's own role in her death? To make the CPS the scapegoat, when it's the papers themselves who have blood on their hands. What do people think?