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2020 Thailand travel

2020 Thailand travel

Supreme Being
Supreme Being (1.2K reputation)Supreme Being (1.2K reputation)Supreme Being (1.2K reputation)Supreme Being (1.2K reputation)Supreme Being (1.2K reputation)Supreme Being (1.2K reputation)Supreme Being (1.2K reputation)Supreme Being (1.2K reputation)Supreme Being (1.2K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 3, Visits: 106
I am on the sex offenders register for another 6 yrs following a conviction for historical offence.My wife is Thai and married for 11 yrs.
My question is can I go to Thailand for a holiday.I have spoken to my local ppu who have said I am low risk and have no travel bans and to contact the Thai embassy.
I did this and was told nothing to worry about as long as not on wanted list.
However reading on the internet many people have had a problem.
Has anyone been through this and entered/ sent back from Thailand recently

Threaded View

Threaded View
Popeye - 5 Years Ago
JASB - 5 Years Ago
AB2014 - 5 Years Ago
BenS - 5 Years Ago
JASB - 5 Years Ago
                 + x [quote] [b] JASB - 6 Mar 20 3:24 PM [/b] +...
punter99 - 5 Years Ago
Popeye - 5 Years Ago
                     + x [quote] [b] punter99 - 7 Mar 20 10:08 AM [/b]...
JASB - 5 Years Ago
                     + x [quote] [b] punter99 - 7 Mar 20 10:08 AM [/b]...
AB2014 - 5 Years Ago
                         + x [quote] [b] AB2014 - 10 Mar 20 9:27 AM [/b] +...
punter99 - 5 Years Ago
                             + x [quote] [b] punter99 - 11 Mar 20 2:54 PM [/b]...
JASB - 5 Years Ago
                                 + x [quote] [b] JASB - 11 Mar 20 3:01 PM [/b] +...
punter99 - 5 Years Ago
                                     + x [quote] [b] punter99 - 12 Mar 20 10:47 AM [/b]...
AB2014 - 5 Years Ago
                                     + x [quote] [b] punter99 - 12 Mar 20 10:47 AM [/b]...
JASB - 5 Years Ago
                                         + x [quote] [b] JASB - 12 Mar 20 1:16 PM [/b] +...
AB2014 - 5 Years Ago
                                             + x [quote] [b] AB2014 - 12 Mar 20 1:25 PM [/b] +...
JASB - 5 Years Ago
                                                 + x [quote] [b] JASB - 12 Mar 20 2:23 PM [/b] +...
AB2014 - 5 Years Ago
                                                     + x [quote] [b] AB2014 - 12 Mar 20 2:28 PM [/b] +...
JASB - 5 Years Ago
                                                         + x [quote] [b] JASB - 12 Mar 20 2:41 PM [/b] +...
AB2014 - 5 Years Ago
                                                             To the OP: don't worry, there is no way they know unless you yourself...
Monkos - 5 Years Ago
                             Thanks for all your replys on this matter.Like you say no one wants to...
Popeye - 5 Years Ago
angeleford - 5 Years Ago
JASB - 5 Years Ago
george5WR - 5 Years Ago
JASB - 5 Years Ago

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