Hi all and thank you for reading this post. I am looking for information as well as people who might have a similar experience. I am going to try to write down the facts and to leave the emotion out. My partner is a sex offender. He was a teacher when it happened so he is banned from being a teacher as well as being on the register . He has been on the register for the past 15 years. It will be difficult for him to get out of the register even after those 15years for different reason that I can explain if necessary. I am a teacher and his conviction always appears on my dbs which make employment very difficult. I am a secondary teacher (11+ years old) so I am not bar by association and can’t ask for a waiver. The conviction is just on my dbs. The wording that the police used is not factual in my opinion as it says ‘due to the profession, ... can gain access to children ‘. The police says that if I do not get a job because of that it is discrimination. But how do I prove that ? So here are a few questions: - In your opinion, can I still be a teacher ? - How could I prove discrimination? - Should I disclose this information during my interview or wait for the employer to see it on their own on the dbs ? Why ? - Can I have the police removing the additional information on my dbs ? - Can I have them changing the wording as it is not factual?
I also have 2 children with this partner and it is likely that this will impact them too in their future . Which is so unfair ! I want to protect them. What can I do ?
That is all what I am thinking for now ! Thank you very much for reading and I look forward to hearing back from you.