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DR10 offence - will this be filtered for basic DBS check ? what about standard and enhanced DBS...

DR10 offence - will this be filtered for basic DBS check ? what about...

Supreme Being
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arunH - 10 Aug 20 2:46 PM
U mean If not disclosed right I am definitely planning to disclose and my whole question is around what happens after I don’t plan to hide it

They should in theory speak with HR. 

They could call you in for a formal meeting to discuss. Ask questions and for you to answer them.

They should then weigh up the risks to  their business, and how they can mitigate said risks, and if any damage has been done via the media. 

They should look at the facts. Not opinions and any other mitigating circumstances. 

Once they do this, they should adjourn to make the decision and review all the evidence they have. 


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