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Do Retail jobs like Argos/Primark/tescos etc run crb/dbs checks?

Do Retail jobs like Argos/Primark/tescos etc run crb/dbs checks?

Supreme Being
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I know that a few betting shops carry out a basic checks; the other companies do not.

Edit: Morrison's perform basic checks on their employees.
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thx Cutehs2, interesting to know that morrisons run dbs/crb checks, perhaps they only want people with a clean record to serve high quality tomatoes.
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Interesting seems there is a "basic" criminal check

And then a standard/enchanced dbs check (for higher positions of trust etc)

Can you confirm if that morrisons check was just a "basic check" for criminal record ?
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Yeah sure does sound like rotten tomatoes Smile

From my brief understanding it still seems unclear exactly who gets dbs checks, we can all say people applying for jobs in higher positions of trust or with direct single contact with children/elderly will get checks, course this could apply for people in a betting shop who handle large amounts of money like william hill.

I still fail to see why morrisons would check, or perhaps as mentioned in another thread I posted "basic" checks were mentioned and could be the "basic" criminal check to see if your a criminal, where as dbs checks go against a the ROA jobs list of much higher position roles or jobs with children/elderly directly etc etc

I may email dbs and inquire really, guess they can confirm more easily since they run them daily or know which companies do !
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Shows job application forms and what they ask for in regards to convictions/cautions.

I found matalan, Co-op food stores, Morrisons, starbucks, pcworld, currys, primark etc etc and pretty much most places mention this section on there application forms:

Rehabilitation of Offenders
"Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offence which is not a spent conviction within the terms of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act
1974? If yes give details or no.

Others mention Rehabilitation of Offenders section, and ask to only list NOT "spent" convictions, very rare but found one that listed NOT spent cautions, this would be conditional caution not a simple caution my friend got which is already spent so not requiring to be mentioned.

So unless your criminal conviction/caution which is not spent yet then you do have to declare it sadly. Simple police cautions are spent as they given so do not have to be declared.

Poundland of all places, and few others also mention some positions within there company require a dbs/crb check, I assume this if for handling cash or management positions since it mentions Managers quite often.

All in all It does not look too promising for people without unspent convictions, they may have to wait till it becomes spent then they do not have to declare it at all. Id wager most folk just lie anyhow! For simple cautions its already spent and rarely mentioned, they also seem interested in people with unspent Records.

As for running dbs/crb checks, it does not say it 100% clearly, apart from poundlands application form I can guess some places where cash/management are involved they may run it otherwise it does not appear many retail places/supermarkets run it... there are of course primark/pcworld managers that did not need to have a dbs/crb check either...
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ChocMuffin: hopefully it comes out in november, it is long overdue and many need it. Yeah I would not mention it either on application forms its not the right thing but we all know discrimination of age, gender, background heck even your name and color still apply for working although it should not.

It is good you are doing a degree and at university, this is just a small step back and lucky in england we have the ROA to give another chance, we all make have lessons and learn from them. Remember in Europe there is no such thing as a dbs/crb check, and many english speaking communities and jobs are always available there even.

Although I would feel at this point in time of the recession it is also worth perhaps looking at self employment or building contacts/friends to get vouched into a work place or perhaps other courses which may lead to getting some ££.

Any joy with the pound place ?
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Just wondered if anyone knew if companies like primark/argos/homebase/betting jobs/tescos/asda/sainsbury and similar run dbs/crb checks ?

That seems a little pointless, as if you were to join a large supermarket operation as a floor sweeper or shelf stacker with a criminal record, and then worked your way up but was barred from promotion because of an enhanced criminal check, that would be terrible.

The way we see it, is that ALL positions carry an element of trust, but lets not confuse that with risk.
The question now begs an answer : Why would a major supermarket chain want to perform criminal record checks on their employees anyway ?.shakehead
Is this just another example of how checks can be un-lawfully made ?. nono
PS : We tend to use M&S for our food shopping, you get a better class of White collar reformed criminal working there ! (That was a joke) yeah

There are no mistakes in life, only lessons.


Tomatoes now there's a thought, I would rather see maybe lots of Bent Gear, like Bananas and Cucumbers nono
No honestly, my paperboy has had a CRB check, and quite right too, I wouldn't want my supplement going amiss on a Sunday !
Thread Crashed and Burned jumpin  

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That's actually an interesting question, as you would think that these type of customer facing retail positions would not merit criminal record check's.
However I suppose once again it would be down to risk assessment.
If you had a conviction for theft, could it be possible that a bookmakers would risk giving you a job handling thousands of pounds a day ?.
If you had a conviction for assault, could it be possible that some major food retailing company would allow you to deliver goods to the public ?. 
I suppose the bottom line is weather there is an actual need for some type of blanket criminal record checking in place and if so where would the line be drawn in respect to what crimes would bar you from it.
There are going to be lots of ideas that will be thrown up by this posting, I just hope that they are constructive ones.  

There are no mistakes in life, only lessons.


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