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Alternative to the forum?

Alternative to the forum?

Supreme Being
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I'd obviously run it by him but I can't see him having too many issues with it as long I can let him see nothing dodgy is going on with it, which I'd be more than happy to do. I have a pretty transparent relationship with him now after being "with him" for want of a better term, for over a year now so I think we both understand each other now.

So I post the question to here then; what would you want out of the forum? Just basically a carbon copy of this one or something a little bit different?

Supreme Being
Supreme Being (24K reputation)Supreme Being (24K reputation)Supreme Being (24K reputation)Supreme Being (24K reputation)Supreme Being (24K reputation)Supreme Being (24K reputation)Supreme Being (24K reputation)Supreme Being (24K reputation)Supreme Being (24K reputation)

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I login daily to check activity but do not post anything because of the persistent errors which I agree are frustrating, equally frustrating that after all this time it still has not been fixed. Like I said in previous posts, I can only assume due to lock down those involved with the forum are either "working" from home or have been furloughed preventing access to fix the problem. Either that or Unlock are simply letting this platform die. If another alternative was made I would be interested in taking a look, just be careful with your PPU as I am sure they will always get the wrong idea.

Supreme Being
Supreme Being (32K reputation)Supreme Being (32K reputation)Supreme Being (32K reputation)Supreme Being (32K reputation)Supreme Being (32K reputation)Supreme Being (32K reputation)Supreme Being (32K reputation)Supreme Being (32K reputation)Supreme Being (32K reputation)

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Also, in regards in to Reddit. I only really follow 2 subreddits that would fit the bill, /r/sexoffendersupport and /r/sexoffendersupportuk. The UK one is super quiet and the other one is mostly Americans. Depending on your offence they might not be suitable.

Supreme Being
Supreme Being (32K reputation)Supreme Being (32K reputation)Supreme Being (32K reputation)Supreme Being (32K reputation)Supreme Being (32K reputation)Supreme Being (32K reputation)Supreme Being (32K reputation)Supreme Being (32K reputation)Supreme Being (32K reputation)

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Yeah, it's frustrating and annoying and now I barely use this site because of it. I just typed out a reply to this and it shit itself again.

Basically, short answer - I'm thinking of setting up a new forum for people to use until this one is fixed. I'm happy to do it and keep myself busy with it. Is this something folk on here would be interested in? It'll be the same idea as here, all anonymous discussions and whatnot.

Supreme Being
Supreme Being (54K reputation)Supreme Being (54K reputation)Supreme Being (54K reputation)Supreme Being (54K reputation)Supreme Being (54K reputation)Supreme Being (54K reputation)Supreme Being (54K reputation)Supreme Being (54K reputation)Supreme Being (54K reputation)

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I have to be honest and say, that I'm getting tired of coming on this forum, only to find out that it STILL hasn't been fixed. How much longer is it going to take and how many people have already given up and won't be coming back here again?

Does anyone know of any alternative online spaces, such as Reddit groups, where ex-offenders can go to talk?


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