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Share your evidence with us

Share your evidence with us

Debbie Sadler
Debbie Sadler
Supreme Being
Supreme Being (132K reputation)Supreme Being (132K reputation)Supreme Being (132K reputation)Supreme Being (132K reputation)Supreme Being (132K reputation)Supreme Being (132K reputation)Supreme Being (132K reputation)Supreme Being (132K reputation)Supreme Being (132K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 411, Visits: 5.7K
Hi everyone

Have you applied to university with a criminal record? Had to disclose? Been successful or rejected?

We'd like to hear from you.

Since 2018 we've been working with universities to develop fair admissions for students with criminal records. We want to hear the experiences of applicants and students with criminal records so we can help universities and colleges improve their approach. If you were treated unfairly, tell us about it.

We also want to hear positive experiences of disclosure and support. Our fair admission pledge is a way for universities to let applicants know they will be treated fairly - but we'd like to hear from people who have applied. 

We want to hear from people with criminal records who have applied for any university course in the last three years. Please tell us:
  • The course and universities you applied to
  • Did you have to disclose an unspent or spent conviction?
  • What happened next - were you asked for more information, was there an admissions panel?
  • What was the decision?
  • If you were unsuccessful, did you apply somewhere else?
  • If you were successful, did you need and/or receive any support throughout your course?
  • Were you given appropriate careers advice that took your conviction into account?
  • Anything else you'd like to tell us.
The information you provide will not be shared without your permission, and will help us to improve access to education for people with criminal records.

Email us in confidence at

Many thanks. 

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As a small but national charity, we rely on charitable grants and individual donations to continue running theForum. We do not deliver government services. By being independent, we are able to respond to the needs of the people with convictions. Help us keep theForum going.

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