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Business in India

Business in India

Supreme Being
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 1, Visits: 132
I have 30 year old convictions, mainly juvenile and final one at 18 years old, all of which are now spent and filtered.

I need to visit India on business later this year, and as I understand it the entry rules changed in 2018 so you now have to declare convictions. 

Does anyone have any experience of declaring for India, and if so how did it go?

I appreciate that the reason for the change was to make it more difficult for convicted abusers etc. to visit, rather than people like me, and I will declare my convictions (as I did to get a waiver for the U.S.A). 

However, I am concerned that I may be refused, which would lead to an awkward conversation with my employer.

Thanks in anticipation.


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