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Getting back into performing music gigs with an S.O?

Getting back into performing music gigs with an S.O?

Mr W
Mr W
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This was back in uni, so 18+, but *quite big celeb* was doing a tour of the student union bars and a friend of a friend went back to his hotel room with a couple of other girls but afterward, they all signed non-disclosure agreements.

Fighting or Accepting - its difficult to know which is right and when.
3 Years Ago by Mr W
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Just as an aside. I wonder if anything has changed in the music business? Back in the 1970s and 80s, there were always loads of under age girls hanging around backstage and nobody cared. It's obviously very different now, so do musicians ask for age verification, before they accept any 'offers' from groupies these days?
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JamesZ - 4 Oct 22 9:14 PM
khafka - 4 Oct 22 5:42 PM
As a musician myself, this is something I've certainly been battling with mentally. With regards to your background checks - I've played maybe 300 various gigs in my time with previous bands and jamming stuff and the amount of times a background check was carried out is a grand total of zero.

Although there's not real checks needed in my experience in the pub scene (and given the gigs I played were typically in pubs it'd be 18+ shows so should be no issues PPU wise regardless). My issue is the music scene I am/was a part of that people know me. My fear is actually getting back on stage after all these years and folk in the crowd shouting abuse, the band shouldn't have to put up with that. I think this is where your main issue might lie, when people actually know/recognise you.

I'm working on my some music just now but it'll certainly be released under a pseudonym.

As for gigging in the future, it's a possibility but it'd likely have to be out of town.

Thanks. Yeah it's hard when music is a part of you. Good to know there was zero background checks. I kinda like to let go a little on stage and it has gained a bit of attention- I guess a restrained performance is better than nothing! Out of town might be a good idea for me too. Man I miss getting paid at nighttime for a few hours of fun! Good luck with your ventures. Cheers!

PPU and conditions:
A venue may allow under 18's into to it, however it would be a hard task for a PPU to say your conditions prevent you from being there on the grounds you are "communicating" with someone underage for example. Mine says I cannot with under 16's but accidental i.e. on a bus is acceptable.

Its extreme but the danger would be if your band "took off" and so travel became necessary i.e. out of the country. 
My son is a tour manager / front of house (sound) with a band that has hit the headlines and so touring worldwide and he wanted me to help as a driver. I said no due to travel overseas and risk to him if people discovered my misjudgement.

If it is something that brings quality to your life then relocate, change your name etc and believe in yourself and do not let "whatifs" stand in your way. After all you already know you are responsible for your actions; so just ensure consequences on all future actions are favourable to you. 

Society suggests I must let go of all my expectations but I disagree, as whilst I have a voice, I have hope.

Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope is for tomorrow else what is left if you remove a mans hope.

This forum supports these words, thank you Unlock and your contributors.

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khafka - 4 Oct 22 5:42 PM
As a musician myself, this is something I've certainly been battling with mentally. With regards to your background checks - I've played maybe 300 various gigs in my time with previous bands and jamming stuff and the amount of times a background check was carried out is a grand total of zero.

Although there's not real checks needed in my experience in the pub scene (and given the gigs I played were typically in pubs it'd be 18+ shows so should be no issues PPU wise regardless). My issue is the music scene I am/was a part of that people know me. My fear is actually getting back on stage after all these years and folk in the crowd shouting abuse, the band shouldn't have to put up with that. I think this is where your main issue might lie, when people actually know/recognise you.

I'm working on my some music just now but it'll certainly be released under a pseudonym.

As for gigging in the future, it's a possibility but it'd likely have to be out of town.

Thanks. Yeah it's hard when music is a part of you. Good to know there was zero background checks. I kinda like to let go a little on stage and it has gained a bit of attention- I guess a restrained performance is better than nothing! Out of town might be a good idea for me too. Man I miss getting paid at nighttime for a few hours of fun! Good luck with your ventures. Cheers!
Supreme Being
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Posts: 331, Visits: 18K
As a musician myself, this is something I've certainly been battling with mentally. With regards to your background checks - I've played maybe 300 various gigs in my time with previous bands and jamming stuff and the amount of times a background check was carried out is a grand total of zero.

Although there's not real checks needed in my experience in the pub scene (and given the gigs I played were typically in pubs it'd be 18+ shows so should be no issues PPU wise regardless). My issue is the music scene I am/was a part of that people know me. My fear is actually getting back on stage after all these years and folk in the crowd shouting abuse, the band shouldn't have to put up with that. I think this is where your main issue might lie, when people actually know/recognise you.

I'm working on my some music just now but it'll certainly be released under a pseudonym.

As for gigging in the future, it's a possibility but it'd likely have to be out of town.

Supreme Being
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 69, Visits: 585
I've been debating this for some time. It's something I really enjoyed doing. I used to do cover songs with another guy and an agent around clubs. I don't recall them asking/checking background.

I remember talking it over with probation ages ago and they said they knew a guy doing pub gigs but he had to be careful -  didn't go into details (So that could be any number of things)

I have an S.O for images. No Google presence. Not sure if I should go for it or not? 

Any thoughts? I always worry about these sort of things with background checks etc 


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