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Suella Braverman announces plans to ban sex offenders from changing their names

Suella Braverman announces plans to ban sex offenders from changing...

Supreme Being
Supreme Being (4.6K reputation)Supreme Being (4.6K reputation)Supreme Being (4.6K reputation)Supreme Being (4.6K reputation)Supreme Being (4.6K reputation)Supreme Being (4.6K reputation)Supreme Being (4.6K reputation)Supreme Being (4.6K reputation)Supreme Being (4.6K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 53, Visits: 1.4K

It's clearly election-eering due to the dismal showing of the Conservatives of ate. Most of what she has said on immigration, trans people etc. is aimed at a certain demographic. The terminology used in her speech was a little concerning, however. The term "Sexual Predators" was used - surely using inflammatory terminology is is to gain headlines, but she has ultimately just stated everyone who is on, are has been on the SOR is a predator and dangerous.
From the sounds of what she said, it seems likely to only cover those "on the register". The back-shot of this is there will be a whole host of people who are unemployable. 

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