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How quickly can you finish a course such as iHorizon?

How quickly can you finish a course such as iHorizon?

Supreme Being
Supreme Being (155 reputation)Supreme Being (155 reputation)Supreme Being (155 reputation)Supreme Being (155 reputation)Supreme Being (155 reputation)Supreme Being (155 reputation)Supreme Being (155 reputation)Supreme Being (155 reputation)Supreme Being (155 reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 6, Visits: 51
I'm due in court for my first hearing on Wednesday for (making) IIOC. I'll be pleading guilty.

I am wondering the course, such as iHorison, if it's say, 31 days (or similar), how quickly can you actually do it? As I'm self employed already, I can literally stop what I'm doing and get on with it. Is that a possibility or is it say one day a week?

If it's the latter, I plan on moving from my current location to another county, so away from the area I'll be convicted in and be dealt with by probation.

I'd rather do it all in my current place of residence, so my new area is a 'fresh start' (albeit on the SOR and probably with a SHPO), but if it's going to take a year, has anyone moved areas mid course and transferred the program to another area?

Also, can unpaid work be done in bulk or is that also spread over weekends (even if you have weekdays free)?



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