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What happens if you become 'spent' during an insurance term?

What happens if you become 'spent' during an insurance term?

Supreme Being
Supreme Being (2.1K reputation)Supreme Being (2.1K reputation)Supreme Being (2.1K reputation)Supreme Being (2.1K reputation)Supreme Being (2.1K reputation)Supreme Being (2.1K reputation)Supreme Being (2.1K reputation)Supreme Being (2.1K reputation)Supreme Being (2.1K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 5, Visits: 0
If I took out a 12 month car insurance policy for instance (paying monthly) and during month 6 I became 'spent', and hence if I were to get a new quote my insurance would be significantly less.

Is it then reasonable to ask the insurance company to consider my new circumstance mid term and provide a refund for the difference. Or is it better to cancel the insurance and take out a new insurance (legally I could go back to the same company with the revised quote but now without the conviction label) and proceed this way?

I also wondered how this would work and if any other have been in similar circumstances? I guess this goes for all insurances where you have to declare unspent convictions.

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