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Changing mortgage & disclosure

Changing mortgage & disclosure

Supreme Being
Supreme Being (1.1K reputation)Supreme Being (1.1K reputation)Supreme Being (1.1K reputation)Supreme Being (1.1K reputation)Supreme Being (1.1K reputation)Supreme Being (1.1K reputation)Supreme Being (1.1K reputation)Supreme Being (1.1K reputation)Supreme Being (1.1K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 3, Visits: 0


Just wanted to update members of what happened to me when I needed to change my mortgage.  Initially I looked at Unlock website and looked at which mortgage lenders asked about criminal convictions and which didn't.  I did a bit of research and Abbey-Santander which previously didn't ask about conviction now had on website that they won't lend if you have a conviction.  Then I contacted Lloyds who didn't raise the issue so I didn't disclose since I wasn't asked.  Then when I contacted a conveyancing solicitor and disclosed my conviction she said that now that I had told her she would have to write to the mortgage lender and disclose my conviction because it was as far as she was concerned a "material fact".  If I hadn't disclosed the information then she would not feel obliged to tell the lender.  I didn't sign any agreement papers with that solicitor and I changed conveyancing solicitor.  This time I decided not disclose unless I was asked.  The new solicitor didn't ask, so I didn't need to disclose. My mortgage went through.  Incidently the first solicitor didn't ask me to disclose, I just did because I stupidly thought I had to disclose all to my solicitor.  It was very stressful since I was under pressure to re-mortgage for various personal reasons and despite the fact that I've got a job and rebuilding my life, it's disappointing that some lenders and some solicitors won't give you a chance but if you look hard enough you'll find someone who will.




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