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Housing help for my partner.

Housing help for my partner.

Christopher Stacey
Christopher Stacey
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Can I ask what the nature of his conviction is? When you say the local council cannot help him, what do you mean? Have they refused to place him on the Housing list, if this is provided by them or the Housing Association? Or have they refused to regard him as homeless?

Best wishes,

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Christopher Stacey
Christopher Stacey
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Does he have this in writing? I personally don't believe they are able to do this. I was of the opinion that in instances such as this (council housing, i.e. large block residential insurance policies) there shouldn't be problems re: insurance. This is the first time I have come across this.

Feel free to drop me an email ( or give me a call on 01634 247350. I'd be keen to take this forward.

Best wishes,


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It depends upon where you live. In the Midlands St Giles Trust assist prisoners on release. I would check with agents to see if having a conviction would matter (you can ask anonymously).

I am sure someone else on here can help you more. Good luck.

Supreme Being
Supreme Being (1.7K reputation)Supreme Being (1.7K reputation)Supreme Being (1.7K reputation)Supreme Being (1.7K reputation)Supreme Being (1.7K reputation)Supreme Being (1.7K reputation)Supreme Being (1.7K reputation)Supreme Being (1.7K reputation)Supreme Being (1.7K reputation)

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First of all, I'd like to say a big hello to everyone, as I'm new to the forum.

Ok, my partner was released from prison in december, after serving 6 months on remand for arson reckless. He is on license until June of this year.

On his release, he was homeless. At the moment, he is living with his parents, but it's very temporary. He has approached his local council for help with housing, but has been advised that due to the nature of his conviction, they cannot help him.

He has also been advised that letting agents and private landlords won't be able to help him either. So, the question is, what is he supposed to do when it comes to finding a place to live? Nobody seems to want to help him, or offer any sensible suggestions, just tell him what isn't available.

Has anybody been in a similar position and how did they overcome this?

I should also point out that he does have mental health problems and is receiving treatment.

Many thanks for any suggestions offered.

Supreme Being
Supreme Being (1.7K reputation)Supreme Being (1.7K reputation)Supreme Being (1.7K reputation)Supreme Being (1.7K reputation)Supreme Being (1.7K reputation)Supreme Being (1.7K reputation)Supreme Being (1.7K reputation)Supreme Being (1.7K reputation)Supreme Being (1.7K reputation)

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His conviction is for arson reckless. He did have a clean record before however. #


The council have refused to put him on the housing list because they say their insurance won't cover him.




Supreme Being
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I have passed your details on to my partner. I hope this is ok. I think he will be very interested in having a chat with you.






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