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Travelling to Canada

Travelling to Canada

Debbie Sadler
Debbie Sadler
Supreme Being
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 397, Visits: 5.9K
We’ve just added a link on our 'Travelling to Canada' ( )information to the Collateral Consequences Resource Center website which recently posted an interesting article setting out how a criminal record could restrict travel to Canada -

Need Unlock's advice? Visit our self-help information site or contact our helpline

Need Unlocks advice? Visit our self-help information site or contact our helpline
Supreme Being
Supreme Being (2.2K reputation)Supreme Being (2.2K reputation)Supreme Being (2.2K reputation)Supreme Being (2.2K reputation)Supreme Being (2.2K reputation)Supreme Being (2.2K reputation)Supreme Being (2.2K reputation)Supreme Being (2.2K reputation)Supreme Being (2.2K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 4, Visits: 0
Has anyone tested this? Has anyone travelled as tourist to Canada with convictions? I have just been refused entry permanently under 214 in the US due to 3 strikes of moral torpitude and want to go to Canada instead.
However it cost me £500 to find out I cannot enter the US, and do not fancy wasting that sort of money to find I cannot enter every country I would like to holiday.
Any ideas?
Supreme Being
Supreme Being (23K reputation)Supreme Being (23K reputation)Supreme Being (23K reputation)Supreme Being (23K reputation)Supreme Being (23K reputation)Supreme Being (23K reputation)Supreme Being (23K reputation)Supreme Being (23K reputation)Supreme Being (23K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 79, Visits: 2.7K
Quick and simple answer is NO, just fill in the form and enjoy your trip Smile
Caroline 44
Caroline 44
Supreme Being
Supreme Being (572 reputation)Supreme Being (572 reputation)Supreme Being (572 reputation)Supreme Being (572 reputation)Supreme Being (572 reputation)Supreme Being (572 reputation)Supreme Being (572 reputation)Supreme Being (572 reputation)Supreme Being (572 reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 2, Visits: 0
Hi ,can anyone tell me if you need to declare motoring offences on an esta? They are fine and one penalty points , dating back to 1992 and before .thanks

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