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Becoming a nurse with a previous spent conviction??

Becoming a nurse with a previous spent conviction??

Debbie Sadler
Debbie Sadler
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Hi Punkypingu

I'd agree with Cutehs2 - just be up front and honest and try as best you can to explain the reasons that led to the conviction. You've changed your life around (an amazing husband and a new baby) and hopefully this will demonstrate that having dealt with the 'issues' that led to your offence you are unlikely to reoffend or be any sort of risk to your colleagues, patients or the organisation.

Wishing you the best of luck - let us know how you get on.

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Hi Pingu

I don't think so, in all honesty.

Fraud is a pretty bad conviction for a nurse. Think of the vulnerable patients involved. The fact that you were in your thirties when this happened shows you did this whilst you were mature enough 'to know better'.

I don't know if Fraud is a filterable offence, but then you are still looking at 8 years before completely filtered. As Cutehs2 says, you would have to disclose it to an employer.

My advice? Study for an associated degree in Biology preferably. Potentially do a MSc if you can afford it. In 5 years, apply to be a nurse, this will then give you 8 years clear of conviction and a strong academic record. This will substitute for experience to a degree.

Apply for nurse training, then f you get through this, your conviction will have filtered and you will be professionally registered with a MSc behind you. That would be a very good attractive candidate for a nurse.
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Hi Cutehs2

I hope you don't mind me asking, but I was really surprised that they didn't disclose to the individual Trusts. I would have thought risk assessment trumped data protection (nor do I see how this is legit data protection, bearing in mind it would be the Trust location if anything untoward were to happen).

I am a slightly bitter 'wannabe' nurse. Was told I'd never get put on the registered training, did something else and whilst wouldn't have a problem now, couldn't afford the salary cut whilst training.

Hope your career goes well.
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Hello Nathan,

Thank you. I've had a chance to read the guidance notes provided by the university, and you are correct, the information is shared with the local NHS Trusts.

"Persons entering professional programmes must meet the requirements of good character. This is based on conduct, behaviour and attitude, as well as consideration of previous convictions and cautions.

Criminal Records Bureau checks are carried out on all prospective students prior to entry onto professional programmes. In normal circumstances once a conviction is spent, this does not have to be revealed. However to protect the vulnerable, certain professional programmes are exempt from this provision of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act (1974), and so information about all previous convictions, cautions, reprimands or warnings must be disclosed, regardless of when these occurred.

You are also required to declare if you are currently the subject of proceedings, which might lead to a conviction, an order binding you over or a caution in the UK or another country.

Failure to declare information will result in a provisional place being withdrawn, or if discovered once on the programme may result in termination of training.

Possession of a criminal conviction does not necessarily make an applicant unsuitable for undertaking a professional programme, and a person’s suitability for training will be considered on a case-by-case basis by the School of Health Fitness for Practice Panel. This will include representation from the university and a local NHS Trust.

The following issues will be taken into account when reaching a decision about suitability for entry to a professional programme:

•   Whether the conviction or caution was disclosed
•   The degree of risk posed to patients/clients
•   The length of time since the offence
•   Whether the applicant has a pattern of offending
•   How the applicant’s situation has changed since the offence was committed
•   The circumstances surrounding the offence
•   The applicant’s explanation of the offence
•   Evidence submitted by the applicant, or referees of good character

The applicant’s commitment to work safely and effectively upholding the trust and confidence of patients and clients.
•   The relevance to the post in question
•   The age at which the offence was committed".

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It all depends on the university and their policy. My application was successful.

Yes, Fraud is a filterable offence.
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There is a section on the UCAS form that will enable you to disclose the mistake that you made, tick the 'yes' box. Once your application has been processed, your chosen universities will be notified. What happens thereafter varies considerably depending on the institutions policy. In my case, the university suspended my application, i had to provide a written account of what happened etc.

The university will undertake the DBS checking process, not the NHS, clearance permits you to go onto placement. With that in mind, confidential information will NOT be shared with the NHS. However, once you qualify, you will have to disclose the mistake on your application for employment.

I also completed an Access course prior to my degree, you don't have to disclose at college, just enjoy the experience Smile
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I am currently a student Nurse with a conviction. I disclosed the mistake that i made from the outset, i was then asked to provide a written account of the circumstances that led up to the event, and what i had learnt front the experience. This information was passed to a panel, and i was cleared to proceed. I am now in my second year. Just be upfront and honest, you will be fine.

Good luck.
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I also have a fraud conviction, False Representation. There are a few people on my course with assault and drink driving convictions. Just be honest like i said, this is viewed positively, though not quite as positive if you fail to declare. When are you thinking to apply for your Nurse training?
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I don't know the answer for sure, but Google the professional body and ask. They won't be shocked, and will respond appropriately. Nothing to worry about.

If I was going by my gut feeling I would say it would be hard to become registered. Fraud is fraud, and being a nurse you would be working with vulnerable people. This being said, you will not know unless you ask.
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Ok, thank you. I will do that later. I've a horrible feeling your right though Sad

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