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Travel while on licence

Travel while on licence

Christopher Stacey
Christopher Stacey
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 714, Visits: 75

While it's true to say British Citizens have free movement in the EU, it will be a standard condition on your licence that you are not able to travel outside of the United Kingdom unless you get permission of your probation officer first. This can be difficult to get. You should take a look at the main Unlock site in the Information Hub section on Travel Abroad.

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Christopher Stacey
Christopher Stacey
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The view of Probation to travel abroad doesn't really vary depending on your nationality. The point I was making about British Citizens was, in the same way as other EU citizens, they have free movement in the EU.

In terms of Probation, they tend to be quite strict, looking at the alternative being that you should be otherwise in prison. The Info Hub section on travel has links to some formal Probation guidance, though each Probation Area will have their own policy. Ultimately, it depends on your reason for travel, and general 'seeing family / to work / holiday' reasons will often be refused unfortunately.

Nevertheless, much will depend on your specific case and your Probation officer. All you can do is ask. Please do come back on here with an update once you do.

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Need Unlocks advice? Visit our self-help information site or contact our helpline

Mine lasts about two to three years before it fills up. If you live in Asia, payable in HK$ 2,267 for a 48 page one. (£182)! sad

With all due respect


Supreme Being
Supreme Being (19K reputation)Supreme Being (19K reputation)Supreme Being (19K reputation)Supreme Being (19K reputation)Supreme Being (19K reputation)Supreme Being (19K reputation)Supreme Being (19K reputation)Supreme Being (19K reputation)Supreme Being (19K reputation)

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The only hinderance you will find is the punitive cost of a new passport. £72.50! freaked

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Supreme Being
Supreme Being (30K reputation)Supreme Being (30K reputation)Supreme Being (30K reputation)Supreme Being (30K reputation)Supreme Being (30K reputation)Supreme Being (30K reputation)Supreme Being (30K reputation)Supreme Being (30K reputation)Supreme Being (30K reputation)

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EU has free movement of people, there should be nothing preventing you travelling to any European country at all?
Supreme Being
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thank you...
Supreme Being
Supreme Being (2.2K reputation)Supreme Being (2.2K reputation)Supreme Being (2.2K reputation)Supreme Being (2.2K reputation)Supreme Being (2.2K reputation)Supreme Being (2.2K reputation)Supreme Being (2.2K reputation)Supreme Being (2.2K reputation)Supreme Being (2.2K reputation)

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I am British and EU citizen Just released 3 months ago after serving long sentence for money laundring and drug offences. i am on licence for 8 years. may I travel anywhere I wish within the EU without hindrance or restrictions. At this moment i am told to wait at least 2-3 years to travel within EU..Is this RIGHT.....Need help...thank you...
Supreme Being
Supreme Being (2.2K reputation)Supreme Being (2.2K reputation)Supreme Being (2.2K reputation)Supreme Being (2.2K reputation)Supreme Being (2.2K reputation)Supreme Being (2.2K reputation)Supreme Being (2.2K reputation)Supreme Being (2.2K reputation)Supreme Being (2.2K reputation)

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I will do that mate......Thanks....
Supreme Being
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Hi Christopher,

Thank you for your comment....I know it will be a standard condition on my licence that i am not going to be able to travel outside of the United Kingdom without PO permission (if i was British Citizen only). I know it could have been difficult to get that.. What i am trying to know, I am also
Cypriot citizen and part of EU. Do you think PO would take that in to a consideration? Do you also think if not considered it can be against EU human rights. Lastly do you think i have a good case to take this to court.. I will be appreciate your opinion...

thank you...

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