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Theft From Employer

Theft From Employer

Supreme Being
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 2, Visits: 10

Okay, so to sum everything up as best as I can. Three years ago I made a mistake and was charged for Fraud by False Representation for a figure I took from a company I once worked for in the region of £20k, I was 20 at this time and they dealt with it at the Magistrates Court where I got 18 Weeks. I did only end up serving 5 Weeks plus the remainder on an electronic tag.

However three years later I have messed up again! I am heart broken I have let everyone down again and done a similar thing but this time to another company. This said I haven't been arrested yet! However I did admit it last week and 3 days later they dismissed me and the police are performing an investigation, but I am yet to be arrested. However I dont know if it will be classed as 'Fraud by False Representation' if the crime is being taking stock and selling it online....Possibly theft? I know the figure could be around 10k this time however as I say I admitted it and did ask if I could resolve it without involving the police. However they have. I still have not heard from the police however it is only of days before I do and I haven't told my family yet! I broke my family last time and I know it will kill them this time so I cant bare to tell them. However what sort of sentence could I expect this time? I admit I want all the help I can get, I will plead guilty and admit everything however would they still deal with it at Magistrates? I realise what I have done and as I say I want the help I can get to sort my life out I am 23 now just incase I forgot to mention. I am so scared of what will happen so I just want a rouph idea what I can expect.

I know I have messed up and need the help so I appreciate no one getting on my back when I just want to finally sort myself out

I appreciate your help here

Debbie Sadler
Debbie Sadler
Supreme Being
Supreme Being (169K reputation)Supreme Being (169K reputation)Supreme Being (169K reputation)Supreme Being (169K reputation)Supreme Being (169K reputation)Supreme Being (169K reputation)Supreme Being (169K reputation)Supreme Being (169K reputation)Supreme Being (169K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 398, Visits: 5.9K
PN1993 - 27 Aug 16 5:50 PM

Okay, so to sum everything up as best as I can. Three years ago I made a mistake and was charged for Fraud by False Representation for a figure I took from a company I once worked for in the region of £20k, I was 20 at this time and they dealt with it at the Magistrates Court where I got 18 Weeks. I did only end up serving 5 Weeks plus the remainder on an electronic tag.

However three years later I have messed up again! I am heart broken I have let everyone down again and done a similar thing but this time to another company. This said I haven't been arrested yet! However I did admit it last week and 3 days later they dismissed me and the police are performing an investigation, but I am yet to be arrested. However I dont know if it will be classed as 'Fraud by False Representation' if the crime is being taking stock and selling it online....Possibly theft? I know the figure could be around 10k this time however as I say I admitted it and did ask if I could resolve it without involving the police. However they have. I still have not heard from the police however it is only of days before I do and I haven't told my family yet! I broke my family last time and I know it will kill them this time so I cant bare to tell them. However what sort of sentence could I expect this time? I admit I want all the help I can get, I will plead guilty and admit everything however would they still deal with it at Magistrates? I realise what I have done and as I say I want the help I can get to sort my life out I am 23 now just incase I forgot to mention. I am so scared of what will happen so I just want a rouph idea what I can expect.

I know I have messed up and need the help so I appreciate no one getting on my back when I just want to finally sort myself out

I appreciate your help here


Hi PN1993

Many thanks for your post.

We're not legal experts and I therefore wouldn't be able to say what sort of sentence you'd get. If this does go to Court, there will be a combination of things that will be taken into consideration, for example the fact that you admitted your offence and you will no doubt plead guilty at an early stage will go in your favour. However the fact that this isn't your first offence isn't so positive.

All criminal cases start off at the Magistrates Court and, as you've seen previously, less serious cases are dealt with at the Magistrates Court. Theft offences (if that's what you are charged with) are 'either-way offences' and can be dealt with at either the Magistrates or Crown Court. It would be hard to say at this time how yours will be dealt with.

It's going to be hard for you to get any definitive answers until such a time as you are arrested (if you are) and know what you are charged with.  A solicitor should be able to give you some idea of the likely outcome.  

The uncertainty is going to make this a really difficult time for you.  Hang on in there and keep us updated of the situation.

Good luck.


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Supreme Being
Supreme Being (1.3K reputation)Supreme Being (1.3K reputation)Supreme Being (1.3K reputation)Supreme Being (1.3K reputation)Supreme Being (1.3K reputation)Supreme Being (1.3K reputation)Supreme Being (1.3K reputation)Supreme Being (1.3K reputation)Supreme Being (1.3K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 2, Visits: 10
Hi Debbie

Thank you for your warming reply. I appreciate it

I fully understand qhat you are saying. I know I have had a bad start in life but I just need the help to sort myself out. To go into more detail 3 years ago I was convicted for Fraud by False Representation for a crime I commited where I processed credit card refunds back to myself. In 6 months this came to around 20k. Silly I know! But I received 18 weeks in a youth offenders where I served 5 weeks and the remainder on an electronic tag.

This broke my family as they couldnt of imagined me to do such a thing and it took time to rebuild there love and support ... although when I was in prison I spoke to them on the phone, they visited and even aloud back home!

So I cant understand for the life of me why I would do something simular again? Except this time could be worse! This time I was taking items from my employer to sell them online although the figure is around 8k this time....I dont think that makes any difference. I just dont know what I could be charged with or when I will be arrested! The problem is I need to tell my family but I really cant. The only thing is I have been dismissed and I have left the house the last couple days to make it all seem okay, but obviously its not. I was supppose to get my wages from this company but they say they are gonna hold it, so my family will ask why I havent paid my rent shortly no doubt!

How do I tell them 😔 Im broken and deverstated and feel they will completley want me out of there life after this. Considering they struggled the first time as it is!

Debbie Sadler
Debbie Sadler
Supreme Being
Supreme Being (169K reputation)Supreme Being (169K reputation)Supreme Being (169K reputation)Supreme Being (169K reputation)Supreme Being (169K reputation)Supreme Being (169K reputation)Supreme Being (169K reputation)Supreme Being (169K reputation)Supreme Being (169K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 398, Visits: 5.9K
PN1993 - 31 Aug 16 11:27 AM
Hi Debbie

Thank you for your warming reply. I appreciate it

I fully understand qhat you are saying. I know I have had a bad start in life but I just need the help to sort myself out. To go into more detail 3 years ago I was convicted for Fraud by False Representation for a crime I commited where I processed credit card refunds back to myself. In 6 months this came to around 20k. Silly I know! But I received 18 weeks in a youth offenders where I served 5 weeks and the remainder on an electronic tag.

This broke my family as they couldnt of imagined me to do such a thing and it took time to rebuild there love and support ... although when I was in prison I spoke to them on the phone, they visited and even aloud back home!

So I cant understand for the life of me why I would do something simular again? Except this time could be worse! This time I was taking items from my employer to sell them online although the figure is around 8k this time....I dont think that makes any difference. I just dont know what I could be charged with or when I will be arrested! The problem is I need to tell my family but I really cant. The only thing is I have been dismissed and I have left the house the last couple days to make it all seem okay, but obviously its not. I was supppose to get my wages from this company but they say they are gonna hold it, so my family will ask why I havent paid my rent shortly no doubt!

How do I tell them 😔 Im broken and deverstated and feel they will completley want me out of there life after this. Considering they struggled the first time as it is!

You know your family better than anybody. They may be shocked about what's happened, maybe a little disappointed and perhaps their knee jerk reaction would be to cut you out of their lives. However, there's a lot in that saying about 'blood being thicker than water' and I'm sure that ultimately they'll want to help you and stand by you.

You sound as though you could really do with some help and support and although you're dreading it, you're best bet is going to be to let your family know what's happened. Is there a reason that you took these items - are you in debt? did you need the money to feed a drugs/alcohol addiction? You don't need to answer that question on here but it will probably be something that your family will ask you. If there is a reason, perhaps they can help you to sort it out. Also, if it looks as though you've taken some positive action to address your problems this will stand you in good stead if your case does go to court.

Don't try and hide anything from your family, just be completely upfront and honest. 

We all make mistakes it's how we deal with them now and make sure we don't make the same one's again in the future that's important.

Best wishes


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