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Article in The Economist

Article in The Economist

Debbie Sadler
Debbie Sadler
Supreme Being
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 398, Visits: 5.9K
Hi all

Thought you might be interested in reading an article published yesterday in The Economist - which our co-director, Chris Stacey contributed to.

Let us have your thoughts.


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Supreme Being
Supreme Being (4.2K reputation)Supreme Being (4.2K reputation)Supreme Being (4.2K reputation)Supreme Being (4.2K reputation)Supreme Being (4.2K reputation)Supreme Being (4.2K reputation)Supreme Being (4.2K reputation)Supreme Being (4.2K reputation)Supreme Being (4.2K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 7, Visits: 321
I think this is a great article and I feel happy that it's raising awareness of some important issues. Thank you for the time you spent in putting it together in such a well written way. I look forward to reading more articles.
Supreme Being
Supreme Being (3.7K reputation)Supreme Being (3.7K reputation)Supreme Being (3.7K reputation)Supreme Being (3.7K reputation)Supreme Being (3.7K reputation)Supreme Being (3.7K reputation)Supreme Being (3.7K reputation)Supreme Being (3.7K reputation)Supreme Being (3.7K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 6, Visits: 67
Deb S - 17 Feb 17 1:43 PM
Hi all

Thought you might be interested in reading an article published yesterday in The Economist - which our co-director, Chris Stacey contributed to.

Let us have your thoughts.


Really good article, Ill be paying the case a lot of attention.

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