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Car insurance

Car insurance

Supreme Being
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Posts: 4, Visits: 31
Hope this helps a few.
Should have mentioned this before any sex offenders having problems with car insurance try the Post Office website,it asks you if you have any convictions and gives you a drop down list but this offence is not listed,say yes to a conviction and pick zzz from the list and then carry on to get your quote.
Rang them up to check my policy and was told I had notified them about my conviction and didn't ask what it was.
Been doing this for the last 3 years.
Good luck all
Supreme Being
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Dunnodoyou - 30 Mar 17 10:11 PM
Hope this helps a few.Should have mentioned this before any sex offenders having problems with car insurance try the Post Office website,it asks you if you have any convictions and gives you a drop down list but this offence is not listed,say yes to a conviction and pick zzz from the list and then carry on to get your quote.Rang them up to check my policy and was told I had notified them about my conviction and didn't ask what it was.Been doing this for the last 3 years.Good luck all

If your offence is more than 5 years ago try Aviva. I am with them and they didn't want to know. The question is "do you have any criminal conviction in the last 5 years"? (or words to that effect) If you can answer No then they move on, thats it.
Debbie Sadler
Debbie Sadler
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Thanks for the heads up about the Post Office. Might be worth considering adding to Unlock's list of car insurers.


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Even easier. LV= ( only asks about motoring convictions.  No questions at all about other unspent convictions.
Supreme Being
Supreme Being (1.8K reputation)Supreme Being (1.8K reputation)Supreme Being (1.8K reputation)Supreme Being (1.8K reputation)Supreme Being (1.8K reputation)Supreme Being (1.8K reputation)Supreme Being (1.8K reputation)Supreme Being (1.8K reputation)Supreme Being (1.8K reputation)

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Yankee - 7 Apr 17 3:10 PM
Even easier. LV= ( only asks about motoring convictions.  No questions at all about other unspent convictions.

Supreme Being
Supreme Being (1.8K reputation)Supreme Being (1.8K reputation)Supreme Being (1.8K reputation)Supreme Being (1.8K reputation)Supreme Being (1.8K reputation)Supreme Being (1.8K reputation)Supreme Being (1.8K reputation)Supreme Being (1.8K reputation)Supreme Being (1.8K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 4, Visits: 31
Pretty good tried them but couldn't beat my £167 by PO


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