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Border Control : What do Immigration Officers See When Scanning A Passport?

Border Control : What do Immigration Officers See When Scanning A...

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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 81, Visits: 415
Harry53 - 8 Jul 17 11:49 AM
In April, (after happily being allowed to visit my boyfriend in the Philippines just 8 weeks earlier), I was refused entry. I was told that Interpol had released information about my conviction (Internet teen boys viewing), late February, so I got refused and sent home. That was the worst experience in my life btw.

So then I travelled to Turkey 2 weeks ago, and nothing happened. I would like to learn about what comes up on the screen when we give our passports over to the Border control officer, in ANY country. Why is it I can walk into Turkey (and I guess many other countries), but not others? I understand the asian countries concern about Sex Offender (which I am not and never have been), but how does this work?

How do I know I will be accepted into a country when travelling anywhere? I was nervous even entering Turkey; it is not a nice feeling.

This sounds wrong, nothing should be disclosed to any country without you being told in advance. 
Supreme Being
Supreme Being (265K reputation)Supreme Being (265K reputation)Supreme Being (265K reputation)Supreme Being (265K reputation)Supreme Being (265K reputation)Supreme Being (265K reputation)Supreme Being (265K reputation)Supreme Being (265K reputation)Supreme Being (265K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 1.1K, Visits: 7.6K
Harry53 - 8 Jul 17 11:49 AM
In April, (after happily being allowed to visit my boyfriend in the Philippines just 8 weeks earlier), I was refused entry. I was told that Interpol had released information about my conviction (Internet teen boys viewing), late February, so I got refused and sent home. That was the worst experience in my life btw.

So then I travelled to Turkey 2 weeks ago, and nothing happened. I would like to learn about what comes up on the screen when we give our passports over to the Border control officer, in ANY country. Why is it I can walk into Turkey (and I guess many other countries), but not others? I understand the asian countries concern about Sex Offender (which I am not and never have been), but how does this work?

How do I know I will be accepted into a country when travelling anywhere? I was nervous even entering Turkey; it is not a nice feeling.

There's probably no way of knowing why you got into Turkey with no problems. Presumably Interpol gave them the same information as they gave the Philippines, so maybe their system wasn't working, maybe they're not that bothered or maybe the individual officer wan't that bothered. Other countries might well be the same, and EU countries will have access to the Schengen system, so they'll see what the UK police put on the system when they scan your passport. It might be different next time, it might not, which is not helpful or encouraging, I know. It might just come down to local attitudes towards different issues.


If you are to punish a man retributively you must injure him. If you are to reform him you must improve him. And men are not improved by injuries. (George Bernard Shaw)

Supreme Being
Supreme Being (22K reputation)Supreme Being (22K reputation)Supreme Being (22K reputation)Supreme Being (22K reputation)Supreme Being (22K reputation)Supreme Being (22K reputation)Supreme Being (22K reputation)Supreme Being (22K reputation)Supreme Being (22K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 88, Visits: 197
In April, (after happily being allowed to visit my boyfriend in the Philippines just 8 weeks earlier), I was refused entry. I was told that Interpol had released information about my conviction (Internet teen boys viewing), late February, so I got refused and sent home. That was the worst experience in my life btw.

So then I travelled to Turkey 2 weeks ago, and nothing happened. I would like to learn about what comes up on the screen when we give our passports over to the Border control officer, in ANY country. Why is it I can walk into Turkey (and I guess many other countries), but not others? I understand the asian countries concern about Sex Offender (which I am not and never have been), but how does this work?

How do I know I will be accepted into a country when travelling anywhere? I was nervous even entering Turkey; it is not a nice feeling.


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