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Urgent Help Needed

Urgent Help Needed

Supreme Being
Supreme Being (490 reputation)Supreme Being (490 reputation)Supreme Being (490 reputation)Supreme Being (490 reputation)Supreme Being (490 reputation)Supreme Being (490 reputation)Supreme Being (490 reputation)Supreme Being (490 reputation)Supreme Being (490 reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 1, Visits: 14
- Index offence: Harrasment No Violence (Some shitty texts I sent)
- Sentenced July 2017 20 Weeks, reduced to 16 weeks on appeal + 10 Year Restraining Order
- HDC Granted Sept 17
- Licence Expiry 10th December or thereabouts.
- 1 Year PSS (Post Supervision )

1st May THIS year, I get a notification from Probation Central Services that I have been recalled for breaching my licence on 28th October 2017.  This is the first notification i received and in speaking with my Probation officer, she stated she did recall me in October because she was informed by the police that my ex partner received 2 emails.  These two emails where generated automatically when I removed her from our online photo sharing site.  I didnt know she would get these emails as they were automatically generated.  This was when I was in the process of cutting all tie and changing mobile number etc.  The police did not investigate me for this even though I have a restrainging rder as plain to see what had happened and she didnt want to make a statement and pursue it. 

I spoke to my Probation office regarding this letter and she said she did recall me back then but thought it hadnt been approved and we have been seeing each other monthly since.  She also acknowledges she got a notification on the 1st of May a letter of recall the same as mine from central services.  So up until that point they hadnt processed the recall until MAY 2018.

- How can they now recall me and notify me in May when my licence has expired?
- I spoke to my probation officer and she said as I have complied and not been in trouble they would be recalling the warrant and recall.  This would take a few days.  This was said to me on May 4th.  she said she would email my next monthly appointment.
- she hasnt emailed me and i have been chasing her, i spoke to her today and the warrant still exists and the recall notice.  She stated that she had spoken to the police who apparently called round my house back in October but now no longer wish to pursue the matter.  She also knows i havent been arrested for anything
- If I am arrested i am at risk of losing my job, my house everything because they havent rescinded this arrant or recall.  Some 7 weeks after saying they are going to.  i am worried i am a risk of losing eveything because of their admin error and it seems no one is bothered about sorting this out.

what can I do to get this sorted and get the warrant recalled and this removed from my file as they have agreed? 7 weeks for gods sake

Supreme Being
Supreme Being (250K reputation)Supreme Being (250K reputation)Supreme Being (250K reputation)Supreme Being (250K reputation)Supreme Being (250K reputation)Supreme Being (250K reputation)Supreme Being (250K reputation)Supreme Being (250K reputation)Supreme Being (250K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 1.1K, Visits: 7.5K
MonkeyMagi - 14 Jun 18 9:33 PM
- Index offence: Harrasment No Violence (Some shitty texts I sent)
- Sentenced July 2017 20 Weeks, reduced to 16 weeks on appeal + 10 Year Restraining Order
- HDC Granted Sept 17
- Licence Expiry 10th December or thereabouts.
- 1 Year PSS (Post Supervision )

1st May THIS year, I get a notification from Probation Central Services that I have been recalled for breaching my licence on 28th October 2017.  This is the first notification i received and in speaking with my Probation officer, she stated she did recall me in October because she was informed by the police that my ex partner received 2 emails.  These two emails where generated automatically when I removed her from our online photo sharing site.  I didnt know she would get these emails as they were automatically generated.  This was when I was in the process of cutting all tie and changing mobile number etc.  The police did not investigate me for this even though I have a restrainging rder as plain to see what had happened and she didnt want to make a statement and pursue it. 

I spoke to my Probation office regarding this letter and she said she did recall me back then but thought it hadnt been approved and we have been seeing each other monthly since.  She also acknowledges she got a notification on the 1st of May a letter of recall the same as mine from central services.  So up until that point they hadnt processed the recall until MAY 2018.

- How can they now recall me and notify me in May when my licence has expired?
- I spoke to my probation officer and she said as I have complied and not been in trouble they would be recalling the warrant and recall.  This would take a few days.  This was said to me on May 4th.  she said she would email my next monthly appointment.
- she hasnt emailed me and i have been chasing her, i spoke to her today and the warrant still exists and the recall notice.  She stated that she had spoken to the police who apparently called round my house back in October but now no longer wish to pursue the matter.  She also knows i havent been arrested for anything
- If I am arrested i am at risk of losing my job, my house everything because they havent rescinded this arrant or recall.  Some 7 weeks after saying they are going to.  i am worried i am a risk of losing eveything because of their admin error and it seems no one is bothered about sorting this out.

what can I do to get this sorted and get the warrant recalled and this removed from my file as they have agreed? 7 weeks for gods sake

Sorry to hear about your problems. First of all, according to Unlock's information here on post-sentence supervision, the licence period and further supervision should add up to 12 months. So, it looks like the supervision ought to end in October. Anyway, recall to prison is for very serious breaches, and in the licence period there are other options available to them. In the circumstances, I'd be amazed if they sent you back to prison and they might well not do anything at all, which would explain your probation officer's comment about the recall not being authorised. With that in mind, and the fact that the police aren't interested, they may have decided to let the matter drop quietly, without losing face. In any case, if you are unhappy with how any of this has gone, you can pursue it with your probation officer's boss. Unlock has general information about that here. I realise this is really stressful for you, but the longer it drags on, the less likely it probably is that anything will come of it. Even so, you need to make sure you have an appointment scheduled, so if you haven't got one from your probation officer, you could try emailing her, or writing to her (recorded delivery). If necessary, you could even take time off work and turn up at the office, hoping to see either her or the duty officer. Given that they have agreed verbally to let it drop, it should come down to getting confirmation of that, and they ought to be prepared to do it, although they'd probably want to to do it in a way that means they don't have to admit their mistake.


If you are to punish a man retributively you must injure him. If you are to reform him you must improve him. And men are not improved by injuries. (George Bernard Shaw)


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