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Would like recommendation for a lawyer, current one has let me down

Would like recommendation for a lawyer, current one has let me down

Supreme Being
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Group: Awaiting Activation
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dennisOG - 20 Mar 20 11:13 AM
i had 3 DUI charges i wanted to clear from my criminal record. i sought legal advice but i was told i couldn't have them expunged since the charges were still so recent. i read so many testimonies on Quora how hackersnetwork0001 helped them clear their records and i decided to give it a try. i reached out via gmail, gave details of the job and of course payments were arranged and within the specified hack window, the records were cleared. i hired a private investigator to carry out a background check on myself just to see if the records had been erased. the background report came back with a clean criminal record.

this post is being posted all over so think a spam.

Society suggests I must let go of all my expectations but I disagree, as whilst I have a voice, I have hope.

Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope is for tomorrow else what is left if you remove a mans hope.

This forum supports these words, thank you Unlock and your contributors.

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Post deleted by Moderator
5 Years Ago by Moderator
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The Law Society is the representative body for all solicitors in England and Wales, while the Solicitors Regulation Authority regulates them and deals with code-of-conduct issues etc.

You can make a complaint about a solicitor here: or here: and you can find a solicitor here:

9 Years Ago by BenS
Debbie Sadler
Debbie Sadler
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Monkos - 19 Oct 16 2:27 PM
I have suspended 6 months sentence that is 'spent' by the 2.5 years rule, and a SOPO and SOR registration that still has a few years left to run.

My lawyer assured me that a BD certificate would therefore not show anything because it was spent. He further reassured me that any agency applying for a certificate on my behalf would not be directly sent it, it would only be sent to me to pass on.

He was wrong on both counts. The BD showed the full convictions, because I understand the SOPO remains valid. Even though DS's own website implies that SOR and court order "Prescribed Court Orders & Sex Offenders Notification Requirements" are not disclosed, however in the event it seems that they are. Therefore the DS website is misleading too.

That would not have been so bad, if it was just sent to me, but it was sent to the employment agency too, resulting in humiliation for me.

I would like to raise a complaint with DS, if only because the actual convictions listed had inaccuracies that need to be corrected anyway, and I don't know how to get this corrected.

I would also like a better lawyer! If anyone can recommend one actually competent with dealing with this sort of thing. I asked my lawyer what he's going to do about his bad advice in terms of damage control and he's now ignoring me. And I would like to raise a complaint about my lawyer for giving me incorrect advice!

Any tips?

Hi Monkos

Unfortunately, as you've discovered, your conviction won't become spent until the end of the SOPO. If your SOPO is indefinite, then it may be worth you considering going back to court to apply to have it revoked.

Any complaints about Disclosure Scotland can either be emailed to or you can write to them at

Disclosure Scotland,
PO Box 250,
Glasgow G51 1YU

We don't have details of any lawyers that would be able to assist you but it may be that another member of theForum might be able to assist.

Good luck.


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Supreme Being (20K reputation)Supreme Being (20K reputation)Supreme Being (20K reputation)Supreme Being (20K reputation)Supreme Being (20K reputation)Supreme Being (20K reputation)Supreme Being (20K reputation)Supreme Being (20K reputation)Supreme Being (20K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 81, Visits: 415
I have suspended 6 months sentence that is 'spent' by the 2.5 years rule, and a SOPO and SOR registration that still has a few years left to run.

My lawyer assured me that a BD certificate would therefore not show anything because it was spent. He further reassured me that any agency applying for a certificate on my behalf would not be directly sent it, it would only be sent to me to pass on.

He was wrong on both counts. The BD showed the full convictions, because I understand the SOPO remains valid. Even though DS's own website implies that SOR and court order "Prescribed Court Orders & Sex Offenders Notification Requirements" are not disclosed, however in the event it seems that they are. Therefore the DS website is misleading too.

That would not have been so bad, if it was just sent to me, but it was sent to the employment agency too, resulting in humiliation for me.

I would like to raise a complaint with DS, if only because the actual convictions listed had inaccuracies that need to be corrected anyway, and I don't know how to get this corrected.

I would also like a better lawyer! If anyone can recommend one actually competent with dealing with this sort of thing. I asked my lawyer what he's going to do about his bad advice in terms of damage control and he's now ignoring me. And I would like to raise a complaint about my lawyer for giving me incorrect advice!

Any tips?

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