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Where can I share my story?

Where can I share my story?

Alan Watts
Alan Watts
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 44, Visits: 271
Hi, I just received a conviction and I'm looking for ideas of which organisations I can share my story with?

I am a recent engineering graduate with a masters degree and autism. I basically received a conviction for harassing someone online even though they had done the same to me. There were not any warnings and the CJS took advantage of my disability (poor social awareness) to secure the conviction. All of the evidence showing me being harassed by the complainer was ignored, and all of my evidence proving my innocence was also ignored. The total cost of the case to taxpayers was estimated at around £90k. I started work not long after graduation but this case forced me out of work. I already struggled with anxiety and autism when looking for employment but now that I have a criminal record (and an employment gap) it's even harder to find work

Despite working hard on my education and originally planning to contribute to the economy, the experience of being screwed over means my views have now changed and it is highly unlikely that I will ever pay income tax or my £30k student loan back to the taxpayer. I now claim benefits instead and have been working on a form of online trading (which I will not go into detail) which falls into a tax-free bracket. The whole case was biased, unfair and disproportionate to the impact on the economy

Supreme Being
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alexh07 - 11 Aug 19 5:00 PM
Hi, I just received a conviction and I'm looking for ideas of which organisations I can share my story with?

I am a recent engineering graduate with a masters degree and autism. I basically received a conviction for harassing someone online even though they had done the same to me. There were not any warnings and the CJS took advantage of my disability (poor social awareness) to secure the conviction. All of the evidence showing me being harassed by the complainer was ignored, and all of my evidence proving my innocence was also ignored. The total cost of the case to taxpayers was estimated at around £90k. I started work not long after graduation but this case forced me out of work. I already struggled with anxiety and autism when looking for employment but now that I have a criminal record (and an employment gap) it's even harder to find work

Despite working hard on my education and originally planning to contribute to the economy, the experience of being screwed over means my views have now changed and it is highly unlikely that I will ever pay income tax or my £30k student loan back to the taxpayer. I now claim benefits instead and have been working on a form of online trading (which I will not go into detail) which falls into a tax-free bracket. The whole case was biased, unfair and disproportionate to the impact on the economy

Well, Unlock has an online magazine called the Record. You could always try contacting them. Depending on the details of your situation, they may be able to offer helpful advice as well.


If you are to punish a man retributively you must injure him. If you are to reform him you must improve him. And men are not improved by injuries. (George Bernard Shaw)

Supreme Being
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alexh07 - 11 Aug 19 5:00 PM
Hi, I just received a conviction and I'm looking for ideas of which organisations I can share my story with?

I am a recent engineering graduate with a masters degree and autism. I basically received a conviction for harassing someone online even though they had done the same to me. There were not any warnings and the CJS took advantage of my disability (poor social awareness) to secure the conviction. All of the evidence showing me being harassed by the complainer was ignored, and all of my evidence proving my innocence was also ignored. The total cost of the case to taxpayers was estimated at around £90k. I started work not long after graduation but this case forced me out of work. I already struggled with anxiety and autism when looking for employment but now that I have a criminal record (and an employment gap) it's even harder to find work

Despite working hard on my education and originally planning to contribute to the economy, the experience of being screwed over means my views have now changed and it is highly unlikely that I will ever pay income tax or my £30k student loan back to the taxpayer. I now claim benefits instead and have been working on a form of online trading (which I will not go into detail) which falls into a tax-free bracket. The whole case was biased, unfair and disproportionate to the impact on the economy

Try the justice and crime editors at the Guardian, or Private Eye. Find a better lawyer, and get it appealed.
Alan Watts
Alan Watts
Supreme Being
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More detailed version below:

Shortly after I left school an older girl who was friends with a friend started talking to me online. She commonly text me that she saw me at college or nearby which I found a bit strange, one day she was sitting in her car waiting for me to walk past at lunchtime and tried to talk to me as if this was planned and she had some sort of obsession with me. Over the next few years we would speak online although she had a boyfriend who became her husband. She would ask me to edit her photos to change her appearance, message her sister in law to wind her up and she gave me her Facebook password and said I could go on it. In general she had fun annoying people online and encouraged me to do so. Eventually we met up 3 times as friends and it got slightly intimate, I was led on and fell for it. She then blanked me and I was confused and wanted answers so I kept contacting her. I also went on her Facebook with the password she had given me to try and find out what she was saying about me. When her husband found out she tried to make it out that it was me who wouldn't leave her alone and she told the police and showed them all of my messages and that I had been on her Facebook account.

This is where the new "snowflake" laws come in, where any unwanted activity such as messages or phone calls can be classed as harassment and any more than two instances of this can be classed as stalking (easy for the CJS to manipulate and produce results one-sidedly). At this point we stopped talking but 4 months later the police turned up at my door with a warrant without any sort of warning. I was arrested and charged, over 20 electronic devices taken from my house (some not belonging to me) basically for online harassment to girl who in the past wouldn't leave me alone. She took advantage of my autism (poor social awareness) and manipulated me into reacting by sending lots of messages and when her husband found out she was messaging me she made a cover story that it was me that wouldn't leave her alone. The case went on for 2.5 years. This was due to the huge task of getting police technical experts to go through terabytes of data on my devices to prove it was me who sent the messages and accessed her Facebook account. I was made out to be a criminal in public and had great anxiety and depression from how much this was costing me and what the outcome would be. I had graduated from university with a Master's degree in engineering and had been working for almost 2 years but this is when I could no longer cope and lost my job.

There were many reasons why I did not look for another job. One of these was that I could have over £10k in legal, technical and psychiatric bills to pay for the ongoing court case. I made a counter complaint to the police showing how the complainer had messaged me 50 times in a row previously and had followed me and even showed her driving past my house, the disclosure of the password and evidence of her messaging my friends asking where I live on top of much more. She even visited places where I had put photos and took pictures in the same locations and posted hidden messages for me throughout the case, but the police kept hiding this and only focused on what I did back to her. In my opinion they would look stupid and lose a conviction if both of us were made out to be as bad as each other. I went through police commissioner complaints procedures and they always found a way to explain my counter complaint away. Eventually they used a loophole where they categorised my case as domestic because the legislation is very open to interpretation and allowed them to only prosecute the "primary aggressor". I put in another complaint asking how can it be domestic if I have only met her 3 times and she is married to someone else but this also got nowhere. My logic was that if the "victim" continues to gravitate towards the "harasser" then how can this be unwanted attention or even in the public interest and deserving of the money spent on it?

The prosecution also broke their own rules when the legislation said that in the case of a domestic, the full details of the counter allegation should be included in the narrative given to the judge. Obviously they did not do this and my side of the story was brushed under the carpet. My lawyer kept reminding me that what she done to me was irrelevant to my charges and that the best option would be to plead guilty to everything, including things which had nothing to do with me, because it was a better option than to face witnesses in court who could potentially lie or cry. He said the judge would not be happy to listen to such a long and nonsense case and would blame me for it and that I had no chance in applying logic to the court case as it would backfire and be seen as "victim blaming" as obviously, the male is always the only one in the wrong in a case like this. My lawyer managed to get a technical expert and psychiatrist to help with the defence through legal aid costing thousands. The psychiatrist basically said that autism could not be used to explain my actions of accessing her Facebook account or messaging her sister in law and that I ought to have known better even though she had basically gave me instructions to do this which I still had in evidence, yet no one was interested in this.

This complainer had also gone out of her way to get her sister in law and another girl to report me so I was arrested for a second time a year later for messages from years in the past. Again the charges were causing fear and alarm by sending messages on social media (they weren't even threatening or extreme), and editing photos without permission (although the original complainer had repeatedly asked me to edit her photos).

My case was basically "online trolling" to someone who had done the same to me. My lawyer described it as being a nuisance to the complainer and those around her but not necessarily what a reasonable person would consider criminal. I think in a logical way, so I was thinking along the lines of; this person won't leave me alone so if I react by demonstrating similar behavior to what they have done to me, then I have logical reasoning and if I do upset her with messages then I will receive some sort of warning, that it wouldn't make sense for the CJS to spend tens of thousands prosecuting me for something so petty without warning when the complainer has done the exact same to me, and then costing the public tens of thousands more in the tax I now do not pay. The government invested a huge amount in my education to receive a Masters degree but now the public will never see the benefit of me using this to contribute to the economy.

I pleaded guilty and was convicted of stalking (basically offending someone online as they seem to have redefined the word). I had to meet with a social worker to prepare a sentencing report and in this I was asked why I caused fear and alarm by messaging the complainer's family, I explained that she had asked me to and that she had also wrote to my friends and family first, however this was just ignored, along with my other explanation of the reason why I went on the Facebook account was because the password was previously disclosed which I still had live messages of, so I did not expect this to be a crime.

The sentence I received was a lot of community service and supervision for 2 years, so it would be difficult for me to cope with working as an engineer and deal with all of this having autism, the appointments and the criminal record. I have been claiming benefits since this happened and will not be contributing to the country, paying my £30k student loan or any income tax back to the public. I will never use my brain to contribute to the country as an engineer. At community service I worked alongside other criminals who had been convicted of violent or immoral offences and this rubbed onto me thinking more like a criminal after coming from an educated background. The supervision I receive is a huge waste of time and money where I am basically made to meet with a clueless social worker 20 miles from where I stay regularly who has no understanding of the case and constantly ridicules me as if I'm some sort of danger to women although he is not really sure what to do with me and agrees that it is a waste of everyone's time.

I had absolutely no warning or idea that what I done would amount to criminal charges. I tried to fight this every step of the way but got nowhere with my multiple complaints. I easily have over 100 pages of emails and letters back and forth between me and my lawyer and the complaints to various public services. The polce took a high value of laptops, phones, PC's with my mine and my family members personal data, items not relevant to the investigation and even items that did not belong to me and took almost 3 years to give them back, again breaking their own guidelines.

My eyes have been opened to how badly the country can screw you. Seriously, in the state that the economy is in with income tax vs. public spending deficits you would think the priorities would be elsewhere. In my opinion from what my lawyer said, the politicians like to come up with pet project new laws to look like they are solving the countries problems to collect their paycheck, in my case "online trolling". The CPS and Police must abide by these laws and in some cases are not left much professional judgment because they need to make examples out of people to maintain their statistics and produce results. Having autism and poor social awareness (to not notice that I had upset someone), I was an easy target. I live in a rural area where not much happens in terms of crime. My case kept them busy and spent a lot of public funds to ensure that they will maintain their funding from the government and be able to keep themselves in a job. There are no winners, certainly not the public interest or economy in which the whole point of them is, the only winner is those employed in the public sectors fulfilling their own agendas to look like they are needed and keep their job. This is what is known as an availability cascade and stems from the media publicising some very, very unlikely but high profile cases which causes an overreaction and disproportionate public spending to go into, which only causes further and bigger problems down the line.

The CJS itself is very one-sided and twisted in the favor of the prosecution where logical explanations are ignored and everything is used against you, more simple and cost-effective solutions such as a social worker referral or police warning are not used at the earliest opportunity. I tried to calculate the huge cost of this case and it was something like £90,000 of public funds for offending someone online who had basically done the same to me, hardly proportionate to the impact on the economy when the whole case was in someone's selfish interest.

In my opinion the psychologist which prepared my report was too scared to testify that autism could fully explain my behavior despite it being fairly obvious this was the case. It is my understanding that with ASD we struggle to read other people, in other words the effect our behaviour is having on someone, and being all online makes it even harder to realise you have upset someone when this type of behavior which was once a mutual exchange of banter in the past. The other point being that I had written instructions in social media messages asking me to do certain things such as log onto her Facebook or edit her photos, and then I got charged for doing them. My lawyer also insinuated that the judge was would not throw the case out or pass a minimal sentence for fear of being ridiculed in the newspapers. Before this I had no history of any legal issues. I often read other local crime stories in the newspaper and usually find that violent and much more serious offences from repeat offenders are given lighter sentences than what I received, or some similar cases end up with the accused person being admonished without any punishment. There are real domestic cases which entail no supervision for the offender whereas my "3 meetings relationship domestic" has been used to fill a gap in the statistics.

After the case the complainer found out my address and wrote to me to say that she was sorry and didn't mean it but wanted to get revenge on me after I broke our "indescribible connection" and betrayed her basically.

I fought this with complaints at every level but did not get anywhere. I was basically told that there was nothing I could do except pay a lawyer tens of thousands to pursue a judicial review to see if decisions made during the case were lawful or not. 8 months into my 2 year supervision order I am still constantly being reminded that I am a criminal on an almost weekly basis, having to deal with the stress of the incompetent probation service.

 I do not want you to feel sorry for me as I am coping in life, I just want to share my experience of the hidden corruptness whilst trying to be as neutral and unbiased as possible in what is quite literally the shameful criminal justice system.

Mr W
Mr W
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Posts: 467, Visits: 5.6K

Thanks for sharing your story Alexh07, after reading through the whole story I can see there’s been a lot of frustration. Hopefully, now you can begin to put it all behind you.

One thing that is important though with any crime is remorse, all the police see was that it was your choice to carry out what was asked of you, the crime, and upset those people (victims). So, if you take away all the storylines around the incident to do with her, you have to ask yourself if you feel remorseful for sending those messages, winding people up, ‘trolling’ whatever and upsetting those people. I say that because the CJS can look at things very simplistically, which law was broken, what’s the evidence, what are the guidelines, and then the judge throws in his or her comments and you come out the other end. If every crime, big or small, was forensically detailed, the ‘he said, she said’ stuff the courts would have Jeremy Kyle show chaos a on a daily basis and backlogged to the hilt. But the courts won’t see a crime go unpunished especially when you've admitted that you did it. (The gripe I have is the level of punishment but that’s a conversation for another day).

Did she take advantage of you? Did she commit a crime? Did she intend for all of this to happen?... I'd like to think probably not. If she apologised, it’s up to you if want to accept that apology, it may help with closure on what’s been a traumatic time for you. Either way, you’ve come out of the other end and now you have the task of rebuilding and getting on with your life as best you can. No doubt you will have learned a lot and I have full confidence in you that you WILL be able to put your Master’s degree to use in the future. Try and focus on making that possible, in the meantime the distance between you and this story will get increase and will be easier to deal with.

I hope this helps.

Fighting or Accepting - its difficult to know which is right and when.
5 Years Ago by Mr W
Alan Watts
Alan Watts
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Mr W - 19 Apr 20 6:13 PM

Thanks for sharing your story Alexh07, after reading through the whole story I can see there’s been a lot of frustration. Hopefully, now you can begin to put it all behind you.

One thing that is important though with any crime is remorse, all the police see was that it was your choice to carry out what was asked of you, the crime, and upset those people (victims). So, if you take away all the storylines around the incident to do with her, you have to ask yourself if you feel remorseful for sending those messages, winding people up, ‘trolling’ whatever and upsetting those people. I say that because the CJS can look at things very simplistically, which law was broken, what’s the evidence, what are the guidelines, and then the judge throws in his or her comments and you come out the other end. If every crime, big or small, was forensically detailed, the ‘he said, she said’ stuff the courts would have Jeremy Kyle show chaos a on a daily basis and backlogged to the hilt. But the courts won’t see a crime go unpunished especially when you've admitted that you did it. (The gripe I have is the level of punishment but that’s a conversation for another day).

Did she take advantage of you? Did she commit a crime? Did she intend for all of this to happen?... I'd like to think probably not. If she apologised, it’s up to you if want to accept that apology, it may help with closure on what’s been a traumatic time for you. Either way, you’ve come out of the other end and now you have the task of rebuilding and getting on with your life as best you can. No doubt you will have learned a lot and I have full confidence in you that you WILL be able to put your Master’s degree to use in the future. Try and focus on making that possible, in the meantime the distance between you and this story will get increase and will be easier to deal with.

I hope this helps.

Thank you for your reply. Unfortunately although it's now 2020 and this happened in 2016 it cannot be put behind me yet as I am still being reminded of it on a weekly basis by the probation office and the criminal record won't be spent for years to come

I am not being ignorant or just saying this in frustration but I do not feel any remorse as it was completely tit for tat, no worse than the average falling out between friends twisted into a campaign of harassment by the one-sided CJS in order to meet targets. How would you feel if someone went out of their way to annoy you and then you were dragged through the CJS for doing exactly the same back and at every stage you tried to fight it and were ignored whilst they walked away scot-free?

I have certainly gained a lot of life experience from this and my views have changed so I do not plan to work again for many reasons but have adapted to the situation and I am quite content with my life

I feel that some of the ways in which the CJS operates is a socio-economic disaster waiting to happen. A society which picks on someones poor social awareness disability and tries them as a criminal for a social related crime, shuns a skilled person for being silly on the internet at the beginning of their career and puts someone that started it first's feelings infront of all else is one that I no longer have any motivation to contribute towards

Supreme Being
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alexh07 - 20 Apr 20 2:34 AM
Mr W - 19 Apr 20 6:13 PM

Thanks for sharing your story Alexh07, after reading through the whole story I can see there’s been a lot of frustration. Hopefully, now you can begin to put it all behind you.

One thing that is important though with any crime is remorse, all the police see was that it was your choice to carry out what was asked of you, the crime, and upset those people (victims). So, if you take away all the storylines around the incident to do with her, you have to ask yourself if you feel remorseful for sending those messages, winding people up, ‘trolling’ whatever and upsetting those people. I say that because the CJS can look at things very simplistically, which law was broken, what’s the evidence, what are the guidelines, and then the judge throws in his or her comments and you come out the other end. If every crime, big or small, was forensically detailed, the ‘he said, she said’ stuff the courts would have Jeremy Kyle show chaos a on a daily basis and backlogged to the hilt. But the courts won’t see a crime go unpunished especially when you've admitted that you did it. (The gripe I have is the level of punishment but that’s a conversation for another day).

Did she take advantage of you? Did she commit a crime? Did she intend for all of this to happen?... I'd like to think probably not. If she apologised, it’s up to you if want to accept that apology, it may help with closure on what’s been a traumatic time for you. Either way, you’ve come out of the other end and now you have the task of rebuilding and getting on with your life as best you can. No doubt you will have learned a lot and I have full confidence in you that you WILL be able to put your Master’s degree to use in the future. Try and focus on making that possible, in the meantime the distance between you and this story will get increase and will be easier to deal with.

I hope this helps.

Thank you for your reply. Unfortunately although it's now 2020 and this happened in 2016 it cannot be put behind me yet as I am still being reminded of it on a weekly basis by the probation office and the criminal record won't be spent for years to come

I am not being ignorant or just saying this in frustration but I do not feel any remorse as it was completely tit for tat, no worse than the average falling out between friends twisted into a campaign of harassment by the one-sided CJS in order to meet targets. How would you feel if someone went out of their way to annoy you and then you were dragged through the CJS for doing exactly the same back and at every stage you tried to fight it and were ignored whilst they walked away scot-free?

I have certainly gained a lot of life experience from this and my views have changed so I do not plan to work again for many reasons but have adapted to the situation and I am quite content with my life

I feel that some of the ways in which the CJS operates is a socio-economic disaster waiting to happen. A society which picks on someones poor social awareness disability and tries them as a criminal for a social related crime, shuns a skilled person for being silly on the internet at the beginning of their career and puts someone that started it first's feelings infront of all else is one that I no longer have any motivation to contribute towards

Please take my words as being honest and open but never offensive. In fact my way of writing is to support by suggesting what I would consider is a non bias view. This then hopefully allows you to move your focus onto yourself in a more understanding and focused perspective thus improving your quality of life. Your health will continue to suffer if you do not focus on improving yourself as a priority and so have a positive view on the things you can control and remove the anger from what you cannot.

First I have attached a document - wheel of life. There is info with it but basically this asks for you to be honest about your thoughts on different areas of your life: change the titles of a segment if you prefer. This allows you then to focus your attention on improving that area. You continue to update it even when you are happy with all areas so to maintain that feeling. Consider a tyre that is inflated and on a car. If a puncture happens then it is deflated and cannot perform fully until you repair it. This is the same with the quality of life.

Your words all show your emotional stress, resentment to the individual concerned and society; especially the Justice system. Also they show your refusal to accept your part in it. Yes you mention you had someone influencing you but as I well know from my own experience, this fact or ignorance of the law is not a defence. As I mentioned this is not being aggressive to you as we all do the same.

You state "I do not feel any remorse as it was completely tit for tat". I appreciate your mentioning a personal condition, but the remorse the authorities are looking for is important because if you are not allowing yourself to understand the impact of your - and the female you mention - actions then what is saying you will not do it again? Remember you have to look at the broader consequences and concerns.
You will never get the Justice system to condone you doing an action because someone did it to you, retaliation is a crime.

I would first suggest honestly looking at the actions you did and their consequences: "
  • She would ask me to edit her photos to  change her appearance, message her sister in law to wind her up and she  gave me her Facebook password and said I could go on it. In general she  had fun annoying people online and encouraged me to do so.
Do you agree that this action by you created victims? Surely the people who were annoyed have feeling like you? Look at understanding why you allowed this influence to happen, then enhance your self controls to be able to recognize and thus stop it happening again.

Do you agree a person can remove permission?
  • I also went on her Facebook with the  password she had given me to try and find out what she was saying about  me. 
You did the above after she stopped speaking to you and therefore removed the permission - or this concept would be the expectation of the law. Look at understanding why you allowed this influence to happen, then enhance your self controls to be able to recognize and thus stop it happening again.

I am well aware of your viewing the actions of the Justice System as vindictive and possibly seeming like a conspiracy against you. I myself present hard factual evidence of blackmail to the police which was I think ignored. Though my evidence was proven out of court to be factual, I now think they just reassembled their evidence and the charge wording to focus on something I had admitted to thus get a conviction.  However I understand your feeling but you must move on.

There is so much more you talk of and accordingly what I could say but you see what I am hoping you will now focus on; yourself and the positives of what is happening in your life - your new skill set and its work opportunities for example.

Know that ten years on, I am still being questioned on my yearly PPU visits in the same manner as my initial interview because of risk management and I am considered low risk. I know and will always know what actually occurred in my offence. In the end remember
there is truth but also the perception of truth".

Any support I can offer in your journey to improve your quality of life please ask.

Society suggests I must let go of all my expectations but I disagree, as whilst I have a voice, I have hope.

Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope is for tomorrow else what is left if you remove a mans hope.

This forum supports these words, thank you Unlock and your contributors.

wheelLife.pdf (395 views, 67.00 KB)

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