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Studying to become mental health worker. Will my past mental health problems show up on Enhanced DBS...

Studying to become mental health worker. Will my past mental health...

Supreme Being
Supreme Being (266K reputation)Supreme Being (266K reputation)Supreme Being (266K reputation)Supreme Being (266K reputation)Supreme Being (266K reputation)Supreme Being (266K reputation)Supreme Being (266K reputation)Supreme Being (266K reputation)Supreme Being (266K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 1.1K, Visits: 7.6K
checkdbs - 1 Sep 20 8:44 AM

I'm Studying to become mental health worker. Will my past mental health problems show up on Enhanced DBS check? I suffered from violent and aggressive behaviour.
I was never in treatment for this (only anxiety)...

PS: I was never arrested or charged or interviewed or questioned by the police for anything) the only agency that dealt with me was the benefits agency...

Is this information shared on a DBS check? I can't see how it would be..

does anyone know?

The only people who can add that sort of information are the police, which they would do based on their local files. If the police weren't involved, then they wouldn't have anything on you, and they certainly wouldn't go on a fishing expedition around various agencies, local authorities, etc. to see if they can find anything. I wouldn't expect them to have anything to disclose, unless the Benefits Agency chose to tell them at the time, but if the police didn't contact you, that suggests they weren't involved at all.


If you are to punish a man retributively you must injure him. If you are to reform him you must improve him. And men are not improved by injuries. (George Bernard Shaw)

Supreme Being
Supreme Being (1.7K reputation)Supreme Being (1.7K reputation)Supreme Being (1.7K reputation)Supreme Being (1.7K reputation)Supreme Being (1.7K reputation)Supreme Being (1.7K reputation)Supreme Being (1.7K reputation)Supreme Being (1.7K reputation)Supreme Being (1.7K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 5, Visits: 5

I'm Studying to become mental health worker. Will my past mental health problems show up on Enhanced DBS check? I suffered from violent and aggressive behaviour.
I was never in treatment for this (only anxiety)...

PS: I was never arrested or charged or interviewed or questioned by the police for anything) the only agency that dealt with me was the benefits agency...

Is this information shared on a DBS check? I can't see how it would be..

does anyone know?


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