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Undercover Police - Channel 4

Undercover Police - Channel 4

Mr W
Mr W
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 467, Visits: 5.6K

C4 docu line is “challenge your thinking” and while the voices represent current thinking, I have to say two of the women’s attitudes annoyed me - *not because they were women*(before anyone starts) - one remarked of a reoffender something like “well the rehabilitation didn’t work on him then, did it?” as if that’s the offender’s fault rather than asking why it didn’t. This is such a key issue in this whole thing! And it’s dismissed with a sarcastic eye roll. Then later the second woman remarked about one horrific video but seemed to take her anger out, which should be directed towards the creator of the video, on the offender who watched it and said something like ‘it doesn’t stop that child being abused’ - unfortunately, nothing will in that instance because it's in the past. But the awful mindset of one does not mean that viewer is of the same, tarring with the same brush is lazy. If she’s involved in that work, it’s her job to solve that problem not pass judgement in front of a TV camera

Fighting or Accepting - its difficult to know which is right and when.
4 Years Ago by Mr W
Mr W
Mr W
Supreme Being
Supreme Being (74K reputation)Supreme Being (74K reputation)Supreme Being (74K reputation)Supreme Being (74K reputation)Supreme Being (74K reputation)Supreme Being (74K reputation)Supreme Being (74K reputation)Supreme Being (74K reputation)Supreme Being (74K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 467, Visits: 5.6K

I was also surprised at the detail, I guess as a TV show it wouldn’t work as well if details were beeped out / blurred. I’m assuming the trade-off is that the show isn’t available 30 days/forever online, the first episode has already disappeared and the second for a few days. I’m not sure what it accomplishes because, as always, Twitter reaction was people saying they feel sick. This also begs the question of why they were watching it because the title doesn’t exactly scream rainbows and unicorns. Two points were raised for me. The first ep touched on an important point though about the guy who wrote an email address in the toilets, showing the frustration of not being able to talk about it when you want to reach out resorting to a somewhat bizarre technique. But the general viewer will just say ‘he’s mental’ rather than really understanding why he did that.

Fighting or Accepting - its difficult to know which is right and when.
4 Years Ago by Mr W
Supreme Being
Supreme Being (119K reputation)Supreme Being (119K reputation)Supreme Being (119K reputation)Supreme Being (119K reputation)Supreme Being (119K reputation)Supreme Being (119K reputation)Supreme Being (119K reputation)Supreme Being (119K reputation)Supreme Being (119K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 800, Visits: 6.1K
Has anybody been watching this? Normally the offenders identity is disguised in a program like this, to protect them and their family. But this series seems to have a different agenda. They are deliberately naming and shaming people. Giving the men's full names and showing lots of closeups of their faces.


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