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Travelling to Egypt with a SOR

Travelling to Egypt with a SOR

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punter99 - 13 Jan 22 10:59 AM
AB2014 - 10 Jan 22 2:35 PM
punter99 - 10 Jan 22 10:51 AM
Worth noting, that people do get stopped and questioned, for reasons other than Schengen.

Certainly, my understanding is that since Brexit, UK police are no longer able to access the SIS database. Shortly before Brexit happened, they were doing an exercise, to remove details of UK citizens from SIS.

But it is quite possible that some were missed and there is no way of knowing for sure, if your details are still on there, without asking the PPU. They could presumably find out for you.

There is also the possibility that some information might have been downloaded in some countries before it was deleted. I hope that isn't the case, but I thought I'd mention it. Regulars will know how cynical I am about these matters.

If that had happened, there is still the issue of how such information is integrated into passport control. In Europe, SIS was directly connected to the immigration systems, meaning that it could not be overlooked, or forgotten, by the border force. Whether European countries also operate other watchlists, in addition to SIS, is not clear, but I've not heard of any, apart from the Interpol databases. 

That is pretty much what I've just posted in the post-Brexit thread. Entry and exit records would probably not have been deleted, as they are not affected by Brexit.


If you are to punish a man retributively you must injure him. If you are to reform him you must improve him. And men are not improved by injuries. (George Bernard Shaw)

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AB2014 - 10 Jan 22 2:35 PM
punter99 - 10 Jan 22 10:51 AM
Worth noting, that people do get stopped and questioned, for reasons other than Schengen.

Certainly, my understanding is that since Brexit, UK police are no longer able to access the SIS database. Shortly before Brexit happened, they were doing an exercise, to remove details of UK citizens from SIS.

But it is quite possible that some were missed and there is no way of knowing for sure, if your details are still on there, without asking the PPU. They could presumably find out for you.

There is also the possibility that some information might have been downloaded in some countries before it was deleted. I hope that isn't the case, but I thought I'd mention it. Regulars will know how cynical I am about these matters.

If that had happened, there is still the issue of how such information is integrated into passport control. In Europe, SIS was directly connected to the immigration systems, meaning that it could not be overlooked, or forgotten, by the border force. Whether European countries also operate other watchlists, in addition to SIS, is not clear, but I've not heard of any, apart from the Interpol databases. 
Supreme Being
Supreme Being (263K reputation)Supreme Being (263K reputation)Supreme Being (263K reputation)Supreme Being (263K reputation)Supreme Being (263K reputation)Supreme Being (263K reputation)Supreme Being (263K reputation)Supreme Being (263K reputation)Supreme Being (263K reputation)

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punter99 - 10 Jan 22 10:51 AM
Worth noting, that people do get stopped and questioned, for reasons other than Schengen.

Certainly, my understanding is that since Brexit, UK police are no longer able to access the SIS database. Shortly before Brexit happened, they were doing an exercise, to remove details of UK citizens from SIS.

But it is quite possible that some were missed and there is no way of knowing for sure, if your details are still on there, without asking the PPU. They could presumably find out for you.

There is also the possibility that some information might have been downloaded in some countries before it was deleted. I hope that isn't the case, but I thought I'd mention it. Regulars will know how cynical I am about these matters.


If you are to punish a man retributively you must injure him. If you are to reform him you must improve him. And men are not improved by injuries. (George Bernard Shaw)

Supreme Being
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Worth noting, that people do get stopped and questioned, for reasons other than Schengen.

Certainly, my understanding is that since Brexit, UK police are no longer able to access the SIS database. Shortly before Brexit happened, they were doing an exercise, to remove details of UK citizens from SIS.

But it is quite possible that some were missed and there is no way of knowing for sure, if your details are still on there, without asking the PPU. They could presumably find out for you.
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Harry53 - 6 Jan 22 2:15 PM
punter99 - 11 Aug 21 11:46 AM
Whether the PPU does go down the green notice route, would depend on your level of risk. A low risk person would not normally be issued with a green notice.

On a related note, has anyone been to Europe, since they removed our details from the Schengen system?

Hi there, I was not aware that our details are not shared with Shenghen system, but I was stopped and questioned at Immigration control going to Malaga and leaving via Seville, in Sept/October 21. I have never had that before and it was tricky as I was with my female friend who wondered what was going on. I understand there is nothing in the way of personal details of convictions, but they really wanted to know everything.In the future I now have to plan to travel alone or on a different date to a friend. 

Thank you for sharing your experience. Are we really sure that our details are not shared with SIS II anymore? Anybody else had recent experiences when travelling abroad? It would be really good to find out if really that is happening or not. Sorry but I am pessimistic on this.
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punter99 - 11 Aug 21 11:46 AM
Whether the PPU does go down the green notice route, would depend on your level of risk. A low risk person would not normally be issued with a green notice.

On a related note, has anyone been to Europe, since they removed our details from the Schengen system?

Hi there, I was not aware that our details are not shared with Shenghen system, but I was stopped and questioned at Immigration control going to Malaga and leaving via Seville, in Sept/October 21. I have never had that before and it was tricky as I was with my female friend who wondered what was going on. I understand there is nothing in the way of personal details of convictions, but they really wanted to know everything.In the future I now have to plan to travel alone or on a different date to a friend. 
Supreme Being
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Simon1983 - 9 Aug 21 6:12 PM
Hi Harry,
If you are still on the register the likely hood is that your PPU officer will place a green notice on your passport, and when you go through passport control in Egypt it will flag and they will most likely ask you a lot of questions as to if they let you in then thats the million dollar question 

If you are no longer on the register then do not even think of disclosing, the Egyptian authorities do not have access to the Police national computer so will never know.

Hope this helps 

I have a good relationship with my PPU officer and he only sees my once a year as I am not (and never have been a risk), so I would very much doubt that a green card would be issued. my offence was purely online, and my addiction has long gone.
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Whether the PPU does go down the green notice route, would depend on your level of risk. A low risk person would not normally be issued with a green notice.

On a related note, has anyone been to Europe, since they removed our details from the Schengen system?

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