theForum is run by the charity Unlock. We do not actively moderate, monitor or edit contributions but we may intervene and take any action as we think necessary. Further details can be found in our terms of use. If you have any concerns over the contents on our site, please either register those concerns using the report-a-post button or email us at

Error message when I post.

Error message when I post.

Supreme Being
Supreme Being (46K reputation)Supreme Being (46K reputation)Supreme Being (46K reputation)Supreme Being (46K reputation)Supreme Being (46K reputation)Supreme Being (46K reputation)Supreme Being (46K reputation)Supreme Being (46K reputation)Supreme Being (46K reputation)

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I find as long as you are typing no more than 3 lines of text (assuming your using 1080p display with browser full screen) and you click on the "post reply" button instead of "reply". Most posts should be successful even after showing the error. I would suggest once you have got your post typed, copy the text just in case the post fails. Then paste but delete a few words and try once more. It is possible to edit the post to include more information

4 Years Ago by xDanx
Supreme Being
Supreme Being (111K reputation)Supreme Being (111K reputation)Supreme Being (111K reputation)Supreme Being (111K reputation)Supreme Being (111K reputation)Supreme Being (111K reputation)Supreme Being (111K reputation)Supreme Being (111K reputation)Supreme Being (111K reputation)

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Worth noting that just because you get the error message, it doesn't mean the post did not go through. Always update the webpage and check the latest posts afterwards, to find out if it worked or not.
Supreme Being
Supreme Being (49K reputation)Supreme Being (49K reputation)Supreme Being (49K reputation)Supreme Being (49K reputation)Supreme Being (49K reputation)Supreme Being (49K reputation)Supreme Being (49K reputation)Supreme Being (49K reputation)Supreme Being (49K reputation)

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It’s been like this for several months.
Supreme Being
Supreme Being (21K reputation)Supreme Being (21K reputation)Supreme Being (21K reputation)Supreme Being (21K reputation)Supreme Being (21K reputation)Supreme Being (21K reputation)Supreme Being (21K reputation)Supreme Being (21K reputation)Supreme Being (21K reputation)

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The following error occurred...Sorry the application encountered an unexpected error. Information about this error has been logged. If you continue to receive this message please contact the board administrator.

This has been happening for a long time now. I never know if my post is accepted or it has never happened

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