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Litter picking with a S.O?

Litter picking with a S.O?

Supreme Being
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 69, Visits: 585
Just wondering if some type of self employed litter picking/cleaning would be a good idea? Been listening to podcasts on self employment and an American guy did this with parking lots. Just wonder how to best approach/research ideas like this. Thanks
Supreme Being
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JamesZ - 2 Sep 22 2:04 PM
Just wondering if some type of self employed litter picking/cleaning would be a good idea? Been listening to podcasts on self employment and an American guy did this with parking lots. Just wonder how to best approach/research ideas like this. Thanks

Well, I'd say the first thing to do would be to check if anyone else is being paid to do it. If nobody is, then consider approaching whoever is responsible for that location and offer to do it for them for an agreed rate.


If you are to punish a man retributively you must injure him. If you are to reform him you must improve him. And men are not improved by injuries. (George Bernard Shaw)

Supreme Being
Supreme Being (187K reputation)Supreme Being (187K reputation)Supreme Being (187K reputation)Supreme Being (187K reputation)Supreme Being (187K reputation)Supreme Being (187K reputation)Supreme Being (187K reputation)Supreme Being (187K reputation)Supreme Being (187K reputation)

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JamesZ - 2 Sep 22 2:04 PM
Just wondering if some type of self employed litter picking/cleaning would be a good idea? Been listening to podcasts on self employment and an American guy did this with parking lots. Just wonder how to best approach/research ideas like this. Thanks

where I live it is local volunteers but goo luck as no harm trying.
I would suggest going to the Council and talking to the environment health team I would guess.
As I said good luck with your idea.

Society suggests I must let go of all my expectations but I disagree, as whilst I have a voice, I have hope.

Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope is for tomorrow else what is left if you remove a mans hope.

This forum supports these words, thank you Unlock and your contributors.

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JASB - 3 Sep 22 2:16 PM
JamesZ - 2 Sep 22 2:04 PM
Just wondering if some type of self employed litter picking/cleaning would be a good idea? Been listening to podcasts on self employment and an American guy did this with parking lots. Just wonder how to best approach/research ideas like this. Thanks

where I live it is local volunteers but goo luck as no harm trying.
I would suggest going to the Council and talking to the environment health team I would guess.
As I said good luck with your idea.

I think the best bet is to go for private landowners. This is because:

(1) unless one is going down the outsourcing route and setting up a substantial business and being prepared to go through the tender process, most councils have this function for cleaning up public areas already within their environmental services teams.

(2) If they have got their act together, they will have people performing "Community Service" doing it for free (although in reality there are some costs involved so not all do this, especially if their normal employees have strong union representation).

Council's have no obligation to perform clean up of private land, but they can issue a section 215 order mandating a land owner to clear up or repair land. They can charge to do it and recover the costs from the landowner which leaves the door open for wannabe entrepreneurs. A private graffiti clean up operation may also be an idea, but be aware that there will need to be health and safety assessments as it involves the use of chemicals.

Absolutely not doxing myself by revealing any more, but I may have some experience of these matters 😉
Supreme Being
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Posts: 69, Visits: 585
Thanks for the help guys

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