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Facebook use with S O

Facebook use with S O

Supreme Being
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 69, Visits: 585
JASB - 9 Mar 24 4:13 PM
JamesZ - 7 Mar 24 11:36 AM
Hi, is it a bad idea to use Facebook with an S.O?

My officer said I can use it but if I use anything other than my name I have to register an alias.

I only want to use it for buying and selling on Facebook Marketplace.


It is a fine balance between all the suggestions listed.

personally I would suggest you remove yourself from the "facebook" crowd as there are other less stressful sites to sell on.
I've never used Facebook and sold loads. Ok some charge fees but I do not have to be concerned with those who pretend to be "societies angels"; and have there own secrets to hide.

My last annual I was asked to inform them of any social media usernames so the Police do need to be informed.

Good luck in gaining a revenue.

Yeah Facebook/Big Bro knows all. Cheers
Supreme Being
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JamesZ - 7 Mar 24 11:36 AM
Hi, is it a bad idea to use Facebook with an S.O?

My officer said I can use it but if I use anything other than my name I have to register an alias.

I only want to use it for buying and selling on Facebook Marketplace.


It is a fine balance between all the suggestions listed.

personally I would suggest you remove yourself from the "facebook" crowd as there are other less stressful sites to sell on.
I've never used Facebook and sold loads. Ok some charge fees but I do not have to be concerned with those who pretend to be "societies angels"; and have there own secrets to hide.

My last annual I was asked to inform them of any social media usernames so the Police do need to be informed.

Good luck in gaining a revenue.

Society suggests I must let go of all my expectations but I disagree, as whilst I have a voice, I have hope.

Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope is for tomorrow else what is left if you remove a mans hope.

This forum supports these words, thank you Unlock and your contributors.

Supreme Being
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Group: Forum Members
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JamesZ - 7 Mar 24 9:28 PM
xDanx - 7 Mar 24 4:29 PM
AB2014 - 7 Mar 24 1:54 PM
JamesZ - 7 Mar 24 11:36 AM
Hi, is it a bad idea to use Facebook with an S.O?

My officer said I can use it but if I use anything other than my name I have to register an alias.

I only want to use it for buying and selling on Facebook Marketplace.


As I understand it, Facebook's terms and conditions don't allow personal accounts for anyone who has been convicted of a sexual offence. Business accounts are probably different, technically, but if the police say they don't mind so long as you use your own name then you shouldn't have to worry on that front. Just make sure you notify the police of the username on the account within three days.

I believe this is correct, Facebook's policies do state that anyone registered as a SO will not be permitted to use Facebook. Although using it is not against the law while convicted as a SO, unless Facebook get reports of the account from people who may know you and your conviction, there really is no way of them ever finding out.

As Mr W stated, if your case was reported on, friends who know you and fallen out with you could report the account unless you use an Alias. (and register it) The question then remains, your PPU will no doubt know about it due to checking your histories. Would they go as far as to report the account to Facebook themselves? I wonder

I personally avoid social media entirely now, it causes more problems than it does solve them, although I do kind of miss the market place lol. But I have friends who can help me find things of interest.

Thanks. Yeah. It was just to try and make some money. I hear of people doing well picking up free stuff like furniture and doing it up and flipping it for some good cash. I don't show up on a Google search, yet still kinda unsure. Free stuff is nice though! Guess there's always Gumtree too.
Supreme Being
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 69, Visits: 585
xDanx - 7 Mar 24 4:29 PM
AB2014 - 7 Mar 24 1:54 PM
JamesZ - 7 Mar 24 11:36 AM
Hi, is it a bad idea to use Facebook with an S.O?

My officer said I can use it but if I use anything other than my name I have to register an alias.

I only want to use it for buying and selling on Facebook Marketplace.


As I understand it, Facebook's terms and conditions don't allow personal accounts for anyone who has been convicted of a sexual offence. Business accounts are probably different, technically, but if the police say they don't mind so long as you use your own name then you shouldn't have to worry on that front. Just make sure you notify the police of the username on the account within three days.

I believe this is correct, Facebook's policies do state that anyone registered as a SO will not be permitted to use Facebook. Although using it is not against the law while convicted as a SO, unless Facebook get reports of the account from people who may know you and your conviction, there really is no way of them ever finding out.

As Mr W stated, if your case was reported on, friends who know you and fallen out with you could report the account unless you use an Alias. (and register it) The question then remains, your PPU will no doubt know about it due to checking your histories. Would they go as far as to report the account to Facebook themselves? I wonder

I personally avoid social media entirely now, it causes more problems than it does solve them, although I do kind of miss the market place lol. But I have friends who can help me find things of interest.

Supreme Being
Supreme Being (50K reputation)Supreme Being (50K reputation)Supreme Being (50K reputation)Supreme Being (50K reputation)Supreme Being (50K reputation)Supreme Being (50K reputation)Supreme Being (50K reputation)Supreme Being (50K reputation)Supreme Being (50K reputation)

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AB2014 - 7 Mar 24 1:54 PM
JamesZ - 7 Mar 24 11:36 AM
Hi, is it a bad idea to use Facebook with an S.O?

My officer said I can use it but if I use anything other than my name I have to register an alias.

I only want to use it for buying and selling on Facebook Marketplace.


As I understand it, Facebook's terms and conditions don't allow personal accounts for anyone who has been convicted of a sexual offence. Business accounts are probably different, technically, but if the police say they don't mind so long as you use your own name then you shouldn't have to worry on that front. Just make sure you notify the police of the username on the account within three days.

I believe this is correct, Facebook's policies do state that anyone registered as a SO will not be permitted to use Facebook. Although using it is not against the law while convicted as a SO, unless Facebook get reports of the account from people who may know you and your conviction, there really is no way of them ever finding out.

As Mr W stated, if your case was reported on, friends who know you and fallen out with you could report the account unless you use an Alias. (and register it) The question then remains, your PPU will no doubt know about it due to checking your histories. Would they go as far as to report the account to Facebook themselves? I wonder

I personally avoid social media entirely now, it causes more problems than it does solve them, although I do kind of miss the market place lol. But I have friends who can help me find things of interest.

Mr W
Mr W
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Hi James,
As long as there is nothing in your order about social media/Facebook the police cannot stop you. I've had multiple threats from my force about this "because of the terms and conditions" but it's a toothless argument and they've done nothing since.

On a more practical basis, if you were in the papers for your conviction, for example, I'd suggest using an alias (and registering it), especially if people are coming to your place to pick something up, just for your own safety. There is no issue with using aliases online as long as it's registered. You don't have to use a face pic in your profile pic either, just use a generic photo like a dog or a sunset or something.

Fighting or Accepting - its difficult to know which is right and when.
Supreme Being
Supreme Being (267K reputation)Supreme Being (267K reputation)Supreme Being (267K reputation)Supreme Being (267K reputation)Supreme Being (267K reputation)Supreme Being (267K reputation)Supreme Being (267K reputation)Supreme Being (267K reputation)Supreme Being (267K reputation)

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Posts: 1.1K, Visits: 7.6K
JamesZ - 7 Mar 24 11:36 AM
Hi, is it a bad idea to use Facebook with an S.O?

My officer said I can use it but if I use anything other than my name I have to register an alias.

I only want to use it for buying and selling on Facebook Marketplace.


As I understand it, Facebook's terms and conditions don't allow personal accounts for anyone who has been convicted of a sexual offence. Business accounts are probably different, technically, but if the police say they don't mind so long as you use your own name then you shouldn't have to worry on that front. Just make sure you notify the police of the username on the account within three days.


If you are to punish a man retributively you must injure him. If you are to reform him you must improve him. And men are not improved by injuries. (George Bernard Shaw)

Supreme Being
Supreme Being (16K reputation)Supreme Being (16K reputation)Supreme Being (16K reputation)Supreme Being (16K reputation)Supreme Being (16K reputation)Supreme Being (16K reputation)Supreme Being (16K reputation)Supreme Being (16K reputation)Supreme Being (16K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 69, Visits: 585
Hi, is it a bad idea to use Facebook with an S.O?

My officer said I can use it but if I use anything other than my name I have to register an alias.

I only want to use it for buying and selling on Facebook Marketplace.


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