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Car insurance on day release??

Car insurance on day release??

Supreme Being
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 113, Visits: 35
I can't see that day release makes any difference to an insurance policy. The fact your partner is not around all the time to drive the car is irrelevant.

The trick is to avoid the "any convictions" question because not doing so will increase the premium enormously.

Have a look at Unlock's main website about motor insurance.

Who said life was going to be easy?

Well, who said life was going to be easy?

Supreme Being
Supreme Being (7.2K reputation)Supreme Being (7.2K reputation)Supreme Being (7.2K reputation)Supreme Being (7.2K reputation)Supreme Being (7.2K reputation)Supreme Being (7.2K reputation)Supreme Being (7.2K reputation)Supreme Being (7.2K reputation)Supreme Being (7.2K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 113, Visits: 35
I can't see why he wouldn't be insured.

To work out the policy premium, insurer's need the address where the vehicle will be kept overnight and of course they need a correspondence address. That's all.

There are many legitimate reasons why a vehicle might be insured at one address, but the policyholder live elsewhere. Business owners for example.

Who said life was going to be easy?

Well, who said life was going to be easy?

Supreme Being
Supreme Being (7.2K reputation)Supreme Being (7.2K reputation)Supreme Being (7.2K reputation)Supreme Being (7.2K reputation)Supreme Being (7.2K reputation)Supreme Being (7.2K reputation)Supreme Being (7.2K reputation)Supreme Being (7.2K reputation)Supreme Being (7.2K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 113, Visits: 35
Unlock Helpline said...
The only thing that may cause his insurance to be invalidated would be if he did not disclose any criminal or motoring convictions if he were asked to.

Quite so, but as there are numerous insurers (many listed on Unlock's information hub) that don't ask for disclosure of non motoring convictions, I would avoid any company that does ask. Most appear to use the information as an excuse to artificially inflate the premium.

Who said life was going to be easy?

Well, who said life was going to be easy?

Debbie Sadler
Debbie Sadler
Supreme Being
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Posts: 398, Visits: 5.9K
Hi Stebob

As Mintaka says, the fact that your partner is technically living at a different address from the one at which the car is kept should not be a problem.

The only thing that may cause his insurance to be invalidated would be if he did not disclose any criminal or motoring convictions if he were asked to.

Hope this helps. Have a look at the Information Hub as there is some good general advice about insurance and also lists of both motor insurers and insurance brokers who should be able to help.

If you need anything further, please feel free to give the Unlock Helpline a call.

Kind regards

Unlock Helpline

Unlock Helpline - confidential peer advice on overcoming the effects of criminal convictions

Call: 01634 247350
Text: 07824 113848
Write: Helpline, Unlock, Maidstone Community Support Centre, 39-48 Marsham Street, Maidstone, Kent, ME6 5AG

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Supreme Being
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Group: Forum Members
Posts: 2, Visits: 0
Hi thanks for your reply, I just wasn't sure he would be legally insured as technically his address is the prison? But he will be released to here however if he gets pulled over will his insurance be valid? Thanks
Supreme Being
Supreme Being (1.1K reputation)Supreme Being (1.1K reputation)Supreme Being (1.1K reputation)Supreme Being (1.1K reputation)Supreme Being (1.1K reputation)Supreme Being (1.1K reputation)Supreme Being (1.1K reputation)Supreme Being (1.1K reputation)Supreme Being (1.1K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 2, Visits: 0
Hi, could anyone please give me some advice regarding the above? My partner will be on day release later this month and I am trying to get him insured on his vehicle or mine whilst he is on day release. Is this possible? If so where do I begin? Thanks
Supreme Being
Supreme Being (56K reputation)Supreme Being (56K reputation)Supreme Being (56K reputation)Supreme Being (56K reputation)Supreme Being (56K reputation)Supreme Being (56K reputation)Supreme Being (56K reputation)Supreme Being (56K reputation)Supreme Being (56K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 201, Visits: 5.5K
Hi I use Aviva, they didn't want to know and the cover was competitive.

As I posted elsewhere can anyone recommend insurance for mobiles, a company like Aviva that don't discriminate or even ask?
I have to add that "because of my offence" I have been turned down by companies that appear on Unlocks list when the list says they wont.

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