Hi Stitched I have attached a link to the Information Hub page on 'Changing Your Name' - https://hub.unlock.org.uk/knowledgebase/changing-name/. If you follow the official route when changing your name, then you will be able to apply for a new passport which will make no reference to your previous name or criminal convictions. If you have travelled to the US in the past using a Visa issued via the US Embassy, then it may flag up that you have travelled previously under another name. However, it is not illegal to change your name and you would be given the chance to explain your reasons at the interview. If you require any further information, please give the Unlock Helpline a call. Best wishes Unlock Helpline
Unlock Helpline - confidential peer advice on overcoming the effects of criminal convictions Call: 01634 247350 Text: 07824 113848 Email: advice@unlock.org.ukWrite: Helpline, Unlock, Maidstone Community Support Centre, 39-48 Marsham Street, Maidstone, Kent, ME6 5AG For online self-information information, visit hub.unlock.org.uk
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