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For anyone thinking of going to the USA but is afriad. JUST GO!!

For anyone thinking of going to the USA but is afriad. JUST GO!!

Supreme Being
Supreme Being (1.6K reputation)Supreme Being (1.6K reputation)Supreme Being (1.6K reputation)Supreme Being (1.6K reputation)Supreme Being (1.6K reputation)Supreme Being (1.6K reputation)Supreme Being (1.6K reputation)Supreme Being (1.6K reputation)Supreme Being (1.6K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 7, Visits: 0
I pulled this article off the Telegraph's travel section.  Unless you are on the FBI/Interpol list or are wanted in the USA for international human/drug trafficking, I'd say just go.


Criminal records and entry to the US

Anonymous writes
Our son was recently denied entry into the United States under the Visa Waiver Scheme at O'Hare airport in Chicago. He was immediately put on a return flight to London and was unable to take part in our family's planned drive down Route 66.

The reason for the refusal was my son's criminal record for a minor offence back in 1994. But, as this conviction is now ''spent'', we were under the impression that he did not have to declare it on the US entry form.

It now appears that the US does not recognise the UK's Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 in relation to criminal records and spent convictions. It seems that the information the US authorities hold is based on an enhanced search of the UK Criminal Records Bureau database, which shows all convictions.

We are particularly unhappy with Trailfinders' advice on the matter. Its ''important information'' section on visas declares that you cannot use the US Visa Waiver Scheme "if you have a criminal record". We believe this should say, "if you have ever had a criminal record". This would have prompted us to check our son's status in more detail.

We have unsuccessfully tried to recover our son's costs through Trailfinders and our solicitor has told us he does not believe court action would succeed.

Naturally, we are very unhappy with this outcome and would like to highlight our son's plight to help other readers.

Gill Charlton replies
You are wrong to suggest that the US immigration authorities have access to the UK's Criminal Records Bureau database. They do not. This has been confirmed to me by the Home Office. Obviously some information is shared about serious criminals but there is no way the US officials could have known of your son's spent conviction unless he had told them about it.

After speaking to you I realise this is exactly what has happened. Your son applied to the US Embassy in London for a travel visa in 1995 and told the authorities he had a criminal record. Because of this, and because the US authorities do not recognise spent convictions, he will now always have to obtain a visa to travel to the United States.


Threaded View

Threaded View
biologist - 15 Years Ago
Christopher Stacey - 16 Years Ago
biologist - 15 Years Ago
Christopher Stacey - 16 Years Ago
MenaceToSobriety - 14 Years Ago
                         Damon, This is a very good point. The notification scheme for people...
Christopher Stacey - 16 Years Ago
                             New member, sorry if this has been posted somewhere... I have a 2001...
J - 14 Years Ago
                                 J, I know you have also emailed me directly about this but thought...
Christopher Stacey - 16 Years Ago
                                     I went through the B1/B2 tourist visa process very recently and I was...
aim - 14 Years Ago
                                         aim, That's brilliant news. It's good to see somebody goe through the...
Christopher Stacey - 16 Years Ago
                                             Just a quick update. I have been to the US (and back!) and I was asked...
aim - 14 Years Ago
                                                 Hi TriNeet, Visas with a record are certainly possible. Just be...
aim - 14 Years Ago
                                                     Interesting article on Cheryl Cole and US X Factor - will be...
Christopher Stacey - 16 Years Ago
                                                         I think she will be ok as she can afford a good lawyer and also her...
aim - 14 Years Ago
                                                             Hello, First up, this is a great website, so well done to everyone...
d211q2 - 13 Years Ago
                                                                 d211q2, You are right to point out the confusion. However, I noticed...
Christopher Stacey - 16 Years Ago
                                                                     I went to the states unaware of the rules in 1998 ticked yes to having...
Pete B - 14 Years Ago
                                                                         I have always felt that they have broken the UN Human rights law by...
centralman - 13 Years Ago
                                                                             Looked up moral turpitude on Wikipedia and my offences three of the...
Bryan - 13 Years Ago
                                                                                 Bryan - there is detailed information on our online information hub...
Christopher Stacey - 16 Years Ago
                                                                                     I have looked at the website regarding Moral turpitude and still find...
wandawall - 15 Years Ago
                                                                                         A friend got a a drink-driving conviction a few years back and went...
forever changes - 15 Years Ago
                                                                                             wandwall, The information on the website points out that the question...
Christopher Stacey - 16 Years Ago
                                                                                                 Even though she was only 13? And is downloading child porn classed as...
wandawall - 15 Years Ago
                                                                                                     wandawall, You are referring to the sections which relate to the...
Christopher Stacey - 16 Years Ago
                                                                                                         just found this little article which may help this arguement of moral...
lingsguest - 12 Years Ago
                                                                                                             Hi can anybody give me some advise please. 18 months ago my son was...
Worried mum - 12 Years Ago
                                                                                                                 Hi Worried mum. Was your son arrested, cautioned, charged or...
aim - 14 Years Ago
                                                                                                                     He was arrested and given a probation period. Totally out of character...
Worried mum - 12 Years Ago
                                                                                                                         If he was given probation he must have been convicted. Any drug...
aim - 14 Years Ago
                                                                                                                             Assault 3.5 years prison 23 years ago, not eligible ever to visit the...
turbo - 12 Years Ago
                                                                                                                                 Good to hear, Turbo! It's not a black and white situation with...
Mirrorman - 12 Years Ago
                                                                                                                                     How do you know if your offence constitutes Moral Turpitude. Does...
stiched - 10 Years Ago
                                                                                                                                         I'll only make three points about this: 1) I have been to America a...
sammym - 10 Years Ago
                                                                                                                                             If I had never been there before I would have went and ticked no for...
Mirrorman - 12 Years Ago
                                                                                                                                                 The 'moral turpitude' statement doesn't help as this isn't a phrase we...
stuart82 - 13 Years Ago
                                                                                                                                                     stuart82 said... The 'moral turpitude' statement doesn't help as...
Timpson - 10 Years Ago
                                                                                                                                                         I would doubt not declaring a conviction to a foreign country is an...
stuart82 - 13 Years Ago
                                                                                                                                                             There has been no real evidence to suggest the US has full access to...
Victor H - 11 Years Ago
                                                                                                                                                                 In the most part I agree that the US don't routinely have access to...
stuart82 - 13 Years Ago
                                                                                                                                                                     Just a brief update on this - The US Embassy's decision on using a...
Shieldster - 11 Years Ago
                                                                                                                                                                         Shieldster said... Just a brief update on this - The US...
AJW83 - 10 Years Ago
                                                                                                                                                                             Yup agreed UK and US are very similar and UK is following suite and...
Victor H - 11 Years Ago
                                                                                                                                                                                 Yeah definitely I mean unless its work chances you will only go to the...
AJW83 - 10 Years Ago
                                                                                                                                                                                     Unless your cheryl cole ;) I do admit US is always the first place...
Victor H - 11 Years Ago
                                                                                                                                                                                         Haha true but when you have friends pulling strings its easy to get...
AJW83 - 10 Years Ago
                                                                                                                                                                                             I do so much research on this even I don't know, in my view this is...
Mirrorman - 12 Years Ago

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