Dave_UK, It is sad. Sec 39 is the lowest of the lot in the convictions for assault. Its a summary offence and you need not mention it. Its far less serious than ABH and GBH and Battery as such wasnt a crime until it got merged with Assault ,giving the jobs worth more work by having to keep more records and an opportunity to throw the book at more people. Now in reality a battery happens everywhere (not just a chicken coop). If you raise your voice when your kid has not done his homework, the social services could intrepret it as a threat or putting fear of violence in the child. If you answer back aloud to to your spouse sec 39 could be invoked. The list is endless in this socialist kingdom. And the sentences vary according to the whims of the magistrates (if he had a good night with his lover, you might get off lightly). They throw fines, suspended sentences, community orders, conditional discharges anything they fancy without uniformity. The ROA 1974 under which you intrepret it as spent is only applicable to UK where they will keep your DNA for their grandchildren and will keep popping questions till you die. Other countries are not bothered so long as you have not committed any serious criminal acts that warrant them being notified like say treason, espionage, serious pervert stuff etc So my friend we are in the same boat. I have lost months of sleep thinking about this crap in the same lines as you. But I researched and researched and finally have found equilibrium. This is not a crime of moral turpitude. As such you need not allow anyone or anything to bully you into thinking that you are a criminal. Creating class distinctions and thriving upon it is a British passtime from time immemorial. Apologies for the long banter. Go as far as the wind takes you without having to worry about sec 39. cheers RG PS: I presume they threw a fine at you or a community sentence for your trouble. Post Edited (RG) : 03/06/2013 07:11:20 (GMT+1)