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basically im screwed

basically im screwed

Supreme Being
Supreme Being (1.7K reputation)Supreme Being (1.7K reputation)Supreme Being (1.7K reputation)Supreme Being (1.7K reputation)Supreme Being (1.7K reputation)Supreme Being (1.7K reputation)Supreme Being (1.7K reputation)Supreme Being (1.7K reputation)Supreme Being (1.7K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 28, Visits: 7
despite having a gf who knows about my convictions and has supported me through interference from the local authorities. im pretty much screwed in all other areas of life and its starting to get me down.

i cant get a job because 90% of employers require dbs checks etc.
self employment is proving to be a nightmare as every time things seem to be going well, something brews up a shit storm and im back to square one, ive tried to call the unlock helpline on numerous occasions for help regarding employment, but no one ever answers.

my gf and i arent getting along very well because i dont have any money coming in apart from the few coppers that universal credit pay out for spending your time applying for jobs that ive got no chance of getting in a million years.

ive been spending most of my time in my caravan because my gf cant stand to be near me lately. friends and family seem to be burdened when i try to talk to them about things and nothing i seem to do ever works out for the best. 

surely there has got to be a way to re-boot life and start over? 

ive never ever been in a situation where ive had so little. and its not getting any better. i could work in construction but ive always done that and its taken its toll on my health badly, some mornings i cant even walk let alone work on a construction site.

i committed a minor offence that was a genuine mistake when drunk and im paying a life sentence for it. nothing it seems, is ever going to work out. 

what on earth am i supposed to do now? its almost a decade later and i still cant catch a break.
Debbie Sadler
Debbie Sadler
Supreme Being
Supreme Being (165K reputation)Supreme Being (165K reputation)Supreme Being (165K reputation)Supreme Being (165K reputation)Supreme Being (165K reputation)Supreme Being (165K reputation)Supreme Being (165K reputation)Supreme Being (165K reputation)Supreme Being (165K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 397, Visits: 5.9K
BadLadBlu - 31 Aug 16 8:19 AM
despite having a gf who knows about my convictions and has supported me through interference from the local authorities. im pretty much screwed in all other areas of life and its starting to get me down.

i cant get a job because 90% of employers require dbs checks etc.
self employment is proving to be a nightmare as every time things seem to be going well, something brews up a shit storm and im back to square one, ive tried to call the unlock helpline on numerous occasions for help regarding employment, but no one ever answers.

my gf and i arent getting along very well because i dont have any money coming in apart from the few coppers that universal credit pay out for spending your time applying for jobs that ive got no chance of getting in a million years.

ive been spending most of my time in my caravan because my gf cant stand to be near me lately. friends and family seem to be burdened when i try to talk to them about things and nothing i seem to do ever works out for the best. 

surely there has got to be a way to re-boot life and start over? 

ive never ever been in a situation where ive had so little. and its not getting any better. i could work in construction but ive always done that and its taken its toll on my health badly, some mornings i cant even walk let alone work on a construction site.

i committed a minor offence that was a genuine mistake when drunk and im paying a life sentence for it. nothing it seems, is ever going to work out. 

what on earth am i supposed to do now? its almost a decade later and i still cant catch a break.

Hi BadLadBlu

Really sorry to hear that your struggling at the moment.

Also, sorry that you've not managed to get through to the helpline, we are always busy but please keep trying. Alternatively, if you have a mobile phone, you may want to try downloading WhatsApp which means that you'll be able to send us a message free of charge (I know its sometimes easier to have a telephone conversation).

We'd love to have a chat with you and hopefully one of our advisors will be able to offer you some information, advice and support.

Hope to speak soon.

Best wishes


Need Unlocks advice? Visit our self-help information site or contact our helpline
james gtr manchester
james gtr manchester
Supreme Being
Supreme Being (17K reputation)Supreme Being (17K reputation)Supreme Being (17K reputation)Supreme Being (17K reputation)Supreme Being (17K reputation)Supreme Being (17K reputation)Supreme Being (17K reputation)Supreme Being (17K reputation)Supreme Being (17K reputation)

Group: Awaiting Activation
Posts: 36, Visits: 49

I'm feeling very much like this. I worry about keeping myself safe.

Mine was a sever offence committed when I was drunk, depressed, suicidal. I struggle to maintain an even keel, I've given up looking for work. I'm begning to understand why people reoffend, at least in prison you're accepted.

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