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Why does ACRO ask for the name of the embassy your applying for a VISA at ? do they alert embassies...

Why does ACRO ask for the name of the embassy your applying for a VISA...

Supreme Being
Supreme Being (4.5K reputation)Supreme Being (4.5K reputation)Supreme Being (4.5K reputation)Supreme Being (4.5K reputation)Supreme Being (4.5K reputation)Supreme Being (4.5K reputation)Supreme Being (4.5K reputation)Supreme Being (4.5K reputation)Supreme Being (4.5K reputation)

Group: Forum Members
Posts: 8, Visits: 424
I asked for a police certificate from ACRO, and while completing the request form, there is this question (which embassy are you applying for a visa at ?) does it mean that ACRO have alerted US embassy about my case ? please help, I had a caution for shoplifting 2 years ago, I was a student back then depressed and hopeless, but today I need to go to the US for a business trip, I am still not sure I wanna disclose my CR to the US embassy on the DS160 form  because chances are they won't grant me a VISA, and the fact that I asked for Police certificate worries me a lot.. I am worried US embassy already know about my CR from ACRO.

please note: I am not a UK citizen, so I have to apply for a visa anyway. 

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Dani - 8 Years Ago
Deb S - 8 Years Ago
Dani - 8 Years Ago
                 + x [quote] [b] Dani - 6 Sep 16 6:53 PM [/b] +...
Deb S - 8 Years Ago
                     + x [quote] [b] Deb S - 7 Sep 16 8:33 AM [/b] +...
Dani - 8 Years Ago
                         Hi Debi - how did all of this work out for you ?? It’s been a while...
AJSD - 5 Years Ago

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